Responsibility S.J

Magsimula sa umpisa

I turned around and straddled her lap. I cupped her cheeks so she couldn't run away and asked. "What got you so stressed today?"

"Just family matters."

Your POV
Even though we are married, I couldn't tell her about my situation. She knew I have a huge extended family but she didn't know that I was financially supporting them.

It was my responsibility, not hers. She has enough on her plate, having her own family to take care of. I can't intrude anymore on her time.

"You know you can tell me anything."

"I need to get back to work. The work is not going to get done by itself." I gave her a quick kiss and lifted her off my lap.


"Sorry, Scarlett." I ushered her to the door and lightly pushed her out of my office despite her protest of staying.

>next month<

Scarlett and I were having dinner out after finally slowing down with our work. The peak and busy period hasn't passed but we were able to spend some quality time together. I was parking our car in the garage when my phone buzzed.

I looked at the caller ID and told Scarlett to head in first and I'll be right behind her. I remembered transferring the money last week so there shouldn't really be any reason for Uncle Steven to call.

"Hi Uncle Steven." I said as I placed the phone between my ear and shoulder, trying to lock the door while holding my things.

"Is that true?" Finally holding my phone properly in my hands. "Yeah, he should get it... Don't worry about it... He needs it. I'll transfer the money later. See you uncle, love you, bye."

Another hefty expense added to the list.

I logged into my account using the app on my phone and transferred the money needed for my uncle to get a new hearing aid. Those that fit his ears comfortably cost a fortune.

"Who was the call from?" Scarlett asked when she saw I was still facing my phone.

"Uncle Steven."

"He's been calling you a lot lately."

"Yeah, I'm going to have a shower first. I'll join you in bed later."


I was laying in bed cuddling with Scarlett still thinking about the finances while she was reading her book. She liked reading a couple of chapters before going to sleep and we would stay silent like this.

"What's in that pretty head of yours?" I didn't realise that Scarlett had placed her book down on the bedside table and was looking down at me.

I thought for a while before replying. How am I going to tell her? What is she going to think about it?

"You know how I am the only child on my mother's side of the family?" She nodded her head. "Do you remember how many aunties and uncles I have on my maternal side of the family?"

Scarlett mentally counted before replying. "Seven."

"Correct. And among the seven, only three of them were working..." I stopped there, not knowing how to continue.

So I decided to rewind the time a little. "When my father was still alive... he told me I had to take care of them when they grew older..., that the responsibility would eventually fall on me since there was literally no one else." I thought through each sentence before saying.

"Well, your father was wrong."

"What?" I lifted my head up and looked at her.

"Did your father think you would never get married?"

I thought about it for a while. We had a nice relationship, but we hardly touched on this kind of subject, it's usually never personal. "He probably wants me to get married, but isn't sure if I am able to."

"I can help, you don't have to hold it on your shoulders all alone. You have me, I'm your wife. That's what I'm here for. To support you."

"I can't let you do that!"

Scarlett took my hand in hers. "Just let me help. I could tell you're stressed about it everyday." I shook my head and looked at her. "Do you not love me anymore?"

"What?" I widened my eyes. "Of course I love you, dear." I rushed to assure her.

"Then why do you not allow me to love you?" I could tell she was trying to suppress her tears.

"This is my problem... not yours..."

"I know you want to be able to independently support them, but just let me help... half? They're my family too. The moment you become my wife, they are part of my family."

I let her words sink in.

"Okay... you can help." I slid deeper into the bed, covering myself with the duvet and looking up at Scarlett waiting for her to do the same.

"You have no idea how much joy it brings to me being able to help my wife." She got comfortable and let me place my head on her chest.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Written on 28 Nov 2021
Posted on 31 May 2022

This is going to be the last chapter for this book. (not to worry another one is coming out) Thank you for sticking along, reading my one shots and commenting/voting on them. It really makes my day. I'll like to think I'm pretty consistent with my uploads :)

I started this out as a way of being able to have something to look forward to while I was at work. As at this day, I officially ended my internship and I'm so happy that it's done. It was a nice experience of being able to have such an insight to the industry.

The first one shot I posted was on my first day of work and this last one shot so happens to coincide with my posting schedule too! Thank you coming along for the journey.

Professor Romanoff will come out at a later date after I finish writing it. Additionally, I'll be shifting the order of the chapter around so I'll be by parts instead of chronologically by posting date.

As a reward, if there's anyone who can figure out the number of drafts ready in my second book within 3 hours, I'll post the first 3 chapters together instead of 1 in 2 days :)

Natasha/Scarlett one shotTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon