"Dream called and said Snow Chester was a trap. I have no idea what that meant, but it can't be good. Are you sure you're safe?" Ranboo was frantic.

Tubbo frowned. "calm yourself boss man. This place seems fine. Dream was probably fucking with you."

"Oh...well if you're sure it's safe." Ranboo took a deep breath. He didn't want to further concern Tubbo if there was no cause for concern.

"I just got into the hotel. One room left, so we had to share. I'll take the floor though I guess. You should of just came..." Tubbo let out a pronounced sigh.

"That sucks. It's okay, you'll be home in two weeks. At least this way I can still work so we don't go completely poor." Ranboo missed Tubbo dramatically already, but he had to keep moving forward.

"Ow! Skeppy, you just stepped on my foot!" Bad wailed.

Ranboo laughed, hearing him clearly. "Are you going to be okay staying with them?"

"Yeah, yeah they are alright. Bit annoying, but nothing too bad." Tubbo would just have to adjust to living with two lovebirds until he could return. "So what if we become illegal after these two weeks? Would I still be able to come back?"

Ranboo didn't answer.

"Boo?" Tubbo tried to get his attention.

"Well...we might have to divorce. There aren't many job opportunities in Snow Chester, we wouldn't be able to make a good life there together." Ranboo's voice shook with worry.

"Oh..." Tubbo didn't even freak out, because he knew that was the brutal truth. His husband wasn't trying to piss him off, he was just trying to be honest. "Hey, I'm going to go unpack and get used to my surroundings. Call you back tomorrow morning. Okay?"

"Yeah, okay. Goodnight, I hope you sleep well." Ranboo hung up first, wanting to avoid any further heartbreak.

Tubbo put his phone down and sank into the chair's cushions.

Bad noticed the boy deflating like a balloon. "Are you alright? You look upset."

"Oh nothing, just realised I might have to get divorced." Tubbo mumbled.

Skeppy and Bad flinched at the word. They refused to believe they would ever have to get divorced.

"No, I'm sure you'll be okay." Skeppy spoke up to make him feel better. Wrapping his arms around Bad, he pulled him close. "Stupid laws can't end our love. We'll just have to keep it hidden."

"True I suppose..." Tubbo got up to unpack some of his things. He took out his pajamas for the night first. Then pulled out his phone charger. After that he set his toiletries on the bathroom counter. Making sure to tuck certain things underneath the stack of towels. Bad and Skeppy didn't know his secret, and he'd like to keep it that way. At least, he thought they didn't know.

Ranboo had told them, so they knew how to act accordingly. Making sure they didn't make feminine jokes towards him like, "You're moody, are you on your period?" Anything that could trigger a bad reaction.

Bad had actually went in the bathroom after and placed down a small box of liners. Then a bottle of midol.

Tubbo noticed, since he was still standing outside the door. "What the hell?"

Bad smiled and walked out again. "Oh you know, Incase we need them. Man, periods suck."

Tubbo's mouth fell open for a minute. He knew very well they weren't for Bad or even Skeppy. Yet he appreciated Bad for pretending that he had periods too. It made Tubbo feel more masculine and confident.

"Oh...yeah..." Tubbo smiled slightly.

"You're free to use them if you need to." Bad told him, after all he bought them for Tubbo. Knowing he would he joining them, and he wanted him to feel safe.

"Thank you, thank you. I don't really get mine anymore. Just sometimes it might happen, but it's rare. Since I started taking testosterone." Tubbo felt safe to open up now, knowing that they definitely knew. They definitely accepted him.

"Oh yeah? That's awesome, we're jealous." Skeppy spoke up while checking the bed for any bugs or uncleanliness.

"I'm sure...thanks for letting me join you guys. I feel much safer here." Tubbo was grateful, even though he missed Ranboo.

"No problem, you are always safe with us." Bad assured him, while pulling Skeppy away from the bed. "I'm sure it's clean, love, don't worry."


Tossing and turning, It was hard for George and Dream to fall asleep. With another couple right beside them, taking up space.

"Fuck this, I need to be comfortable." Dream finally gave in. He got up and tiredly walked to Drista's bed. She was asleep so he picked her up, and moved her to the couch.

George got up to join him, but ran to the bathroom instead. The sound of vomiting made Dream gag as well. He went in the bathroom behind George and moved him over. The two loves had shared many things together. Secrets, kisses, and even their bodies. Never had they both vomited into the same toilet together. Unfortunately, it wasn't a romantic moment.

Once they were done, George flushed the toilet. "I don't think I'll eat another cookie ever again."

"Me neither." Dream agreed and moved closer, putting himself in George's arms. While they were both still on the bathroom floor.

George rubbed the back of Dream's head. "We'll be alright, right baby?"

Dream yawned and cuddled into George's neck. "We'll get through this together, I love you."

"I love you too." George whispered sleepily.

The two went silent, listening to each other's heartbeats and gentle breathing. They started falling asleep, sitting up on a dirty hotel floor.

The peace was ruined by a echoing gunshot. They jumped immediately, it came from directly underneath them. The floor vibrated with the noise.

"What the hell was that?!" Sapnap called from the bed, the noise was loud enough to wake the whole building.

Ring Around My Heart (DreamNotFound +) CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now