chapter 75 fine

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Zhou Han Wan wan did not expect, go anywhere can meet acquaintances in the group, but also the kind of soft fear of hard nose eyes long in the sky dog things.
Before li Yiyi, this time Wang Yining.

These two people are simply Zhou Han's most disgusting two people, the result went to the two groups of all tm luck burst to
He went to the group the next day, far from hearing a very familiar voice shouting, "Oh, you can't do it, I can't have a make-up artist myself, a hundred times better than your ugly make-up."

Yining?" Zhou Han did not see his people first heard his voice, already know who is.
Next to an unknown actor came together to talk, "people are not famous, but also very sentimental, do not know why to find him to act, may be the subliminal rules."

Zhou Han of course know him very well, also know that he has been mixed with the second and third line, he is their company's contract artist, before because of the love of their own hit, but this person really let him uncomfortable can not help but move the

And he does have an improper relationship with a lot of directors, on this is also second and third line, no fame, mainly the strength is too poor, grow also
Zhou Han thought, ask him to play the lead role of his
brother? But his size is similar to his own, there is no hei road boss's momentum, should not be possible.
"And you ah, Xue Xingchen, a moment to shoot to give a little force, not by a face looks like a movie emperor, but unfortunately the acting is not like the film
This person just abandoned the makeup artist, and began to abandon Xue Xing, not only sentimental also do, make Zhouhan suddenly want to hit his
impulse. <
He walked over to see Xue Xingxing's iron-green face, "the first day of filming I don't want to turn my face with
you." "Oh,

I'm kidding, what's angry, really careful eyes" Wang Yining looked at Xue Xingxing angry suddenly changed his look, but also laughed.
"So you've not been mixed up for so many years?"
What do you say about acting?
Xue Xingchen turned his head, saw a side of the hands in the pocket standing in the cold, casually said just that

"——! Zhou
Han" Wang Yining was obviously surprised to see his moment, "Why are you here?" "Why

can't I be here?"
"You're not divorced...

"I'm divorced, so I'm running to act, what's wrong?"
"But..." Wang Yining pointed to him, as if to say something, but did not say
He muttered in his heart, Song Yuxi swept him out of the door, no money to come to the
scene? He shouldn't have this level, isn't that a scrap?
Zhou Han also saw what he was thinking, all people who know themselves think that they will not do anything, is a silly x rich second generation, gnawing old
But it doesn't matter, he's not now, and he's determined to change the way everyone thinks about themselves.

"You guys are ready to come and shoot, stand and
talk!" <
This is the voice of the leaf guide, very fierce, with people quarreling the same loud
Xue Xingchen did not speak silently walked past, but Wang Yining petite said, "What a murder, ready to natural will
pass." Who

knows Ye guide suddenly changed attitude, "that is certainly not murder you, I murder others." "Clear-eyed

people see that they must have some kind of unseen relationship, Zhou Han knew which group Wang Yining to shoot, have to sleep with the director of that group, inertia.
No wonder I dare to be so sentimental.

The play started filming Zhou Han just know that he is the villain Li Sicheng, in the play with their own no
But even if there is no intersection, Zhou Han also do not want to take the initiative to provoke him, does not mean that he does not want to take the initiative to provoke himself.

"My things fell on the prop group, Zhou Han you sit anyway nothing and you play, go to help me get a
"Go by
yourself." Zhou Han knew he was deliberately picky.
"I can't walk away from this side, Yeko, you
see?" Wang Yining petite drops of look to the leaf guide, and so he spoke.
Ye guide is indeed to Wang Yining, also ordered Zhou Han, "Since you have nothing to run a trip
Zhou Han did not want to tangle with both of them, turned over a contemptuous white eye, went to the prop group to Wang Yining to get

something. <
This is not finished, the middle rest Wang Yining more excessive, but also let Zhou Han to bring him tea poured water, but also to his cynicism.

Zhou Han also had to bear sex to give him a cup of water, no good end to his front, after all, just came to the group he also did not want to wave too much, Nai He each other always want to find their own
Wang Yining took the water and did not drink the meaning, just put aside, "Zhou Han, how can not see you play ah, is not can only run the dragon
suit?" "Ah...

I just can't. Zhou Han answered lazy, he really do not want to talk to such people.
As a result, Wang Yining completely did not see Zhou Han is too lazy to take care of him, but also more face, "look at me and I say it
... Away from your father away from your husband, you are nothing!
"Isn't it about your

hair?" You sleep you I also did not stop, you have the skill to rely on the body, I do not have the skill. "Zhou Han really don't want to take care of him, Nai He still can't help but sneer at him.
Wang Yining was supposed to taunt him, the result was he taunted, angry face is
So with the hand to carry next to Zhou Han just poured water on his head, scolded, "Let you mouth
cheap!" Zhou

Han looked at him and said he was cheap," he said, his temper coming up, and immediately filmed the case, " Wang Yining ——! ""He

just wanted to do it, but listen to the leaf guide over there shouting, "noisy what quarrel, Zhou Han said is you, curry is not small temper is not small, you a new person has any qualifications to quarrel with Wang Yining, he did not splash you a glass of water just, a moment to do, every day you like to pick things up contradictions, I came to film is not to give you to solve personal problems, do not want to shoot early to get out of the way!" But

Zhou Han this temper came up, who said it was useless, is going to raise his hand to Wang Yining a fist, but was stopped by Xue Xingxing.
"Don't be impulsive, it's legal to move your hand in the
He doesn't care what responsibility he has, last time Li Yiyi he played so happy, also did not see any legal responsibility.

Xue Xingxing saw the meaning of his confiscated hand, and whispered to him, "Really angry, you can do it outside the
group." After

a few seconds of standoff, Zhou Han pressed his temper down and closed his hand.
Only the first day, by Wang Yining gas enough.

He knows that in the days to come, certainly will not be better, Wang Yining know that he has no money to go out of the house, and now he has a director in this group to do the back, is certainly hard to avenge the previous
Have to scold in the heart, dog things, waiting for me to have money in the future famous, and then a good fix
Wang Yining saw him take his hand, toe high lift his chin away, that eye is clearly - Zhou Han you also have a day under my
After he left, Xue Xingchen concerned about zhou Han, "Your clothes are wet, go to change
it?" ""It's

all right, it's summer anyway, and it's going to be done in a minute." Zhou Han had no good tone, shook his face and sat down again, curled his wet hair, and picked up Liu Hai.
Xue Xingxing knew he was in a bad mood, in order to make him happy immediately turned a topic, "Don't say you this Liu Haixuan up, the face is quite good-looking."

Is it? Zhou Han was so boastful to him, and the mood immediately became better, and the anger was dissipated for the most part.
"I'm serious, I've never lied, you're good-looking."

Zhou Han stared into his eyes as if he had seen the
Before, the man had never boasted of himself.

He would only say he was fat, stupid, and no one wanted
Looking at Zhou Han staring at himself in god, Xue Xingchen suddenly pulled his hand and said, "Zhou Han, this group after I protect you, next time I certainly will not let Wang Yining bully
you." He

rubbed his hair again, still wet in the dripping water, so he got up, "You wait for me to get you a towel." Said

really quickly to get a towel to come over, carefully wipe his hair, wipe his hair, and brought a cup of water just right temperature, but also ordered, "Summer can not drink too much cold." And

a gentle smile, "You sit here alone drink first, I went to the scene."
Zhou Han looked at his gentle smile at himself, that

face... aa moment's trance, thinking it was him.
But Xue Xingxing gives the feeling that he is completely different, not the same words, look like, will not be a
Also thanks to Song's complete death, otherwise he would have looked so like a man, he felt he would certainly have no brain to get
The humblest realm of love is not to sacrifice everything for him even if he knows that he does not love himself, but to know that the person who looks like him in front of him is not him, and will move for that
Although he also did not understand why Xue Xingxing had these strange behavior, it will not be love at first
It should be a lot of
"Okay, you
go." Zhou Han took the glass and waved his hand at him.

Filming for a few days, Zhou Han a total of three times, each time no more than ten lines, or followed by Xue Xingchen, at most to a face, the body can not be filmed.

But this is also quite leisurely, not to mention no one pay attention to his acting skills, no pressure, much easier than the main
He observed these days, Xue Xingchen acting is indeed a bit rusty, but much stronger than Wang Yining, the whole group, except for the dragon set everyone is stronger than Wang Yining.

Wang Yining is almost the field NG more than ten times, but also clamoring for others to perform poorly, drag his hind legs, harm him non-stop NG, the group of everyone scolded
again. <
But no one took care of him, nor did they know whether to dare or disdain
Wang Yining seems to be looking at everyone ignore him, do not have any meaning, and began to put the abacus on Zhou Cold
He ran over to Ye said, "Ye brother, I think I have some shots unnecessary I shoot, you can find a stand-in for me to shoot, you see the group so many idle people, on that week cold I see quite idle
... Every day sitting and getting paid for a piece, you mean to him, he is good to want?
Zhou Han side far away to hear his disgusting voice, thinking, you tm film pay is more than a dozen times my, certainly a little more shoot, I just a supporting role cannon fodder can have any

Ye guide listened to his words, took a look at the script, "Zhou Han you come
Zhou Han is also really obedient past, listen to Ye said, "You and Wang Yining body shape is similar, some lenses you can for him, don't sit all day, give you a


"Okay." Zhou Han unthinking answer, "I don't want to sit." He

did sit for a few days and die of boredom, and he was happy to have a stand-in.
"But you're not paid to act, and this one tells you in advance that the contract clearly says your pay for the film, whether it's a play or a cut later, you're that
"..." Zhou Han didn't look at the contract at all, which took a big
Sure enough, after a careful look and re-signing, fortunately this is just a stand-in, if it is added to the play to death, it will be a loss to
But now that you've said yes, play
Zhou Han went to change the same clothes as Wang Yining, leather pants, very old-fashioned dress, but also Liu Haiyi up to make a very refreshing hairstyle.

After changing clothes and putting on makeup out, Ye handed him a gun, "will you use
Zhou Han took over to weigh, not the real gun, is a fake toy gun, but imitation is quite


He is no stranger to guns, has played real CS before, although the gun law is not very good, but the posture of the gun and shooting methods he
"Wang Yining's future vision of the shootout lens you replace, first over I see if it's
Zhou Han is still very interested in guns, so the play is also too addictive and relaxed, Ye guide would not have held much hope for him, but did not expect this stand-in to use so well, much better than Wang Yining, he even wanted to change Wang Yining, replaced by Zhou
He suddenly remembered Zhou Han before the audition, a zero-experience pure new person can do so, either talented or have high-level

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