chapter 18 torture

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buzzing -

the phone vibrates, shaking for a long time, until the person who is calling hangs up.
the phone was on the bar, and song had been in the bar for a
a week, the phone kept ringing, but in addition to wu chen he who did not want to pick
but this week, wu chen did not make a phone call, song jixi put down the wine glass in his hand, lit a
he was not an active person, but said very passive, but he waited a week without any news, finally can not help dial wu chen's
"where are you looking
for?" he asked directly.
"looking, you're my criminal
wu chen is still in the hospital, he has a long white hair and smiled and said, "what's so fast, you
song yuxi silent spit out a cigarette, half-wittedly said, "i don't want to

"then what do you

do?" otherwise, call the police and say your wife has lost it. wu chen is joking.

alarm? this matter if he is the next day the whole network to blow up,

the title he has thought well - #影帝老婆离家出走, the reason behind it is actually zhou han voluntarily walked, but also changed the mobile phone number did not leave all can be linked in a way, it looks like the iron heart want to draw a line with themselves, never meet.

news?" song stopping xi asked again without death.
"brother, i said i'm not a criminal police officer, i'm also the trustee to help me find, that person has no news what i can

wu chen in fact, there is no trust to find, he also thought song hei will ask, long ago thought of the response, "you want to go to personally ask
him?" can't you believe me?

"no." song's voice sounds a little decadent, "i just don't want to... sit back and wait.
wu chen noticed something wrong with his voice, "have you been drinking?"


what do you want me to do!" song stopped shouting suddenly, and hung up the phone.
he threw his cell phone at random on the bar, his head buried very low, looking at the rising smoke in his hand, his heart in disarray.

seven days ah a whole week, he has never been so difficult, the group side urged him to go to the scene, he did not go, the company side urged him to go back to preside over the big picture, he also did not
he doesn't want to care about anything, he doesn't want anything, what's the use of these, what's the
he silently took out those pieces of shredded paper to see, over and over again, he also put together can be put together to stick together, so that you can see more complete
i sometimes really don't understand what kind of self-abuse i
am. he does not come back every day, or come back and do not say a word to me, sleep in the study, i took the study bed down, he sleeps on the sofa ... anyway, how can not sleep with me a bed, even if there is no xing life, good hug me ah...) <
today's birthday, i personally made him a cake, that broken egg white hit my hands are sour is not blister ...
... ghosts know to use electric, i ran out to buy an electric egg machine, mash up for a long time to make the cream done, tasted the mouth is also very delicious can not think of me so talented - but when baking cake i baked collapsed, would like to re-bake a bar, he actually came back! ! i had to put my baked cake on the cream end to him, and then he said to me, it's too ugly to put his money on him, and he's gone again. i had to do another one, but i am afraid he is still ugly, do not stop doing, do i think the most satisfied with the best look of one, full of joy waiting for him to come back ... however, he never came back. probably to accompany bai jiu if go... i destroyed all the cakes, it doesn't matter, so learned to make cakes is not completely fruitless. today's cold is very uncomfortable ah, ah, but i do not want to go to the hospital, i want to have a big handsome forced to take care of me, i do not
take medicine he was angry, and then gently touched my head to say, < cold, good - > hahahaha, my imagination can be really rich (laughing and crying expression)

(hmm... this is actually a little embarrassed to write, but i think think anyway will not be seen will be written on it. last night...... i dreamed of spring, and i dreamt that he was pressing on me... cough... i do not want to write xiao huangwen, but he made me comfortable, the result woke up to find is a dream, good uncomfortable ah , i also married as an adult ah, although still small, but in the end when can have xing life ah!!! do

i regret marrying him? seems to have a little regret, count is not a little... very regret, regret dead, how i am so silly, he clearly do not love me ah - i am in the end what, i want to divorce, but i said not to export. aanyway, he must have told me about the divorce sooner or later, sooner or later, i was ready to go psychologically.
if i get divorced, i can't cry, i've never cried in my life, he's not worth

it... it's not worth it for me... (behind is the wrinkled baba fuzzy font, like wet and dry

by the water, the word can not see clearly) in fact, these song yuxi has seen many times, now are almost able to back down, some things really do not want to touch, knowing that is a kind of torture he is more addictive.
for a long time he finally stopped looking, he took the last cigarette, took his cell phone to the front desk checkout, and walked out of the bar
the bar is remote and few people, the boss knows him so he won't talk about it everywhere, otherwise the media know that they've been in the bar all week and don't know how to report
he still cares about fame, care about other people's views, otherwise it will not be so many years of deep-seated behavior, let oneself back to his wife and eat soft rice
name. but now

- ...

after hanging up the phone in the hospital, he couldn't wait to ask,

"he'll be all right, he didn't drink much before..." "drinking...

or smoking, is his way of excreted, he is hiding everything, so tired, and self-esteem is too strong always put a box of their own shackles ... ... it's not hard to blame.
wu chen took off his suit jacket from the hanger, dressed neatly, and pushed down the silver frame, "good boy, i'll go out for a while, and i'll be back with you in a

minute." ""why

do you know him so well?"
wu chen has pushed open the door to close the door to go, but heard bai jiu if so asked himself, faint back to him, "because
... i know everyone around me. behind

that big smile, everyone couldn't see what it was.

when he's done, he's closed the door, and he's going to stop
although the mouth said let song toxi to the police, but in fact he knew he absolutely can not do so, but song zzee he went crazy can dare
he may actually go to the
song will not drink at the company, he will not go home, so he must be in the
and which bar he's going to go to is clear, the nearest police station nearby...
wu chen drove that way.
hopefully he's right, if he does call the police, it's beyond his
so sex in the police station door waited for a while, saw a black car, license plate number is very familiar, wu chen ticked the corner of the mouth, but also really to
song yuxi from the car down to see wu chen, he took sunglasses to walk past, although some surprised he will be here waiting for himself, but did not
"do you think i can block you wherever you've been lately?"
wu chen joked, "although i do not exclude the good-looking attack, but obviously i can not conquer you, so rest assured that i am not interested in you"

"what are you doing!" ssong shixi cold asked.
"of course i'm afraid you're going to call the police, except for the news coming out of the police, i can help you seal it, who your wife is, you're divorced, why you're divorced, i can seal it, but here, i'm really
"then don't seal
song seung-hee also want to go in, wu chen quickly grabbed him, "are you going to destroy
yourself?" divorce, forced no fault or even help your wife to get out of the house, the wife ran away from home missing, if you do not pretend that three years of doting wife crazy is not so scum!
song didn't listen, and he can't hear a word

"do you think there are no media informants in the
bureau?" can you not be so childish, i said i help you find you don't hurry, give me three days, i have no news you call the police again ok?
"three days..." song stopped and looked back at wu chen. "i can't wait three days.

" "don't

worry..." "can i not hurry!"

song suxi suddenly yelled at him, "he is now with guan shuxuan together! ! ! i think of the two of

them sleep together every day, i..." wu chen listened to this thought, anyway, sleep all over, sleep a few more times and no bad, married for three years you do not sleep, the wife for the first time to give up to others who blame?
but he knew he couldn't say it now, so he had to comfort him, "so, two
days... guan shuxuan's character i understand he will not necessarily move zhou cold. "he

said it himself..." song finally quietly walked out of the gate, he returned to his car, hands on the steering wheel bowed his head, do not know what to think.

wu chen followed up, he saw that this will song yuxi seems to think, "you know feng shui rotation is a scientific basis, although refers to luck, but i mean you and zhou han's robbery."

much pain he's been through for you, how much pain you're going to have to pay... he's had three years, can't you stand it for three days? besides, what difference does it make to his behavior if he really likes it now is guan shuxuan, you hard to grab it back? !
song, who did not speak, lit a cigarette outside the

he recently smoked more ferocious, almost 24 hours a day, as long as awake, can not leave this thing, and
wu chen saw that he had lost a lot of weight recently, the face is not very good, all tired and decadent, not a star should have looked.

it's really going to ruin me sooner or
"you know zhou han is yan control right..." xu longwuchen leaned against the chair and sat by the bedside to see him, "i advise you not to practice yourself so badly, it is not impossible to recover him
... mermaine, will you teach you with me? 

we're divorced, ok? (entertainment circle)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora