Days Going By.

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I can still hear the loud sounds of automatic weapons and see the flames burning of the stainless steel appliances in my eyes as I tossed and turn in a nightmare that I awaken from, sweating and screaming in horror. It's cold in the room. I sat up and I didn't realize that I had fallen asleep on with my backpack on. I emptied the bag on to the security computer desk and hear the thud of the 22 caliber pistol along with the two magazines that came with it. I pick up the gun, dropping my backpack in the floor. My eyes widened and I become fascinated with the detail of the gun, pulling the slide back looking into an empty chamber like in the movies and I crack a smile. It sent chills down my body when I pulled the slide back once more to just hear the sound. There was something about it that I just liked.

Looking at the walk clock I noticed it was 3:30 am. The sun wasnt up yet and I was wide awake. I turned the lights on to see the room in entirety. In was dark because it had no Windows.

After a few hours I wanted to go to school. I love school. It's was a place to get away from the feeling as if I was the only child, even though I had an older brother, Reggie. Not only did I love school it was just an everyday motion that I went through. For me to miss school was beyond me. I sat on the bed contemplating what to do then I figured why not play video games. Turned on the tv to find it on the news.

"This just in: The St Louis County Police release the names of the men murdered outside of a burning house in Chesterfield around 3 o'clock yesterday. 44 year old, Frank Grey and 19 year old Reginald Grey. The near by neighbors say they heard heavy artillery weapons being fired moments before what is believed to be the home Franklin Grey owned was burned down to the ground. The neighbor, Shirley West was the first to call the police,"

I sat frozen as I listened to Ms. Shirley explain what she heard and saw. She used to give me and my dad cookies with a big smile plastered on her face. I never seen her look so worried and scared until then. I quickly turn then TV to the HDMI tv setting to try and focus my attention on something else. I played the video games for a while and ate frozen tv dinners til I fell asleep.

The same nightmare tormented me again as I awake out of my sleep screaming louder this time. I sat up feeling though as if I could've done something to prevent them from dying in cold blood. In actuality, there was nothing I could've done. I didn't know what was going on until it was entirely too late. I pushed my self up into the upright position against the headboard and looked at the blue screen the TV projected, thinking how much longer would I be stuck in this room. I just wanted to go back to school. I wondered if in would even go back to school at all. It was a Friday and I really wanted to see Samantha, Riley, and Lupe. Those are.... Well were my friends. I really wanted to see them again but there was no way. I sigh out of depression.

I was bored with playing video games I let my self into some mischief, fooling around on the security computer. I don't see anything so I further myself into being nosey, going through the computer desk drawers. Pencils, printer paper, and various other things that you might find in a desk. I slammed the last drawer closed out of frustration and boredom it then realize I knocked something loose in the desk. In a desperate attempt and search for what ever it maybe that I might've broken. Pulling the last drawer out that I slammed, I see the bottom side of the top drawer in it as if was designed to be a hidden compartment. I drop to my knees to look under and see what could be inside. Reaching my hand inside, I pull out old photos. Of these old photos it is mainly my brother, my father and I. I stroll down memory lane as I cycle through the last of the photos. The last photo was of my father and a woman he was hugging with one arm. She was very pretty. She was a fair skinned woman who sttod at least five foot six, curly jet black hair that draped over her s u oulders and she wore a white flower dress. My father was much younger in the photo so I contemplated if she could be my mother. I was never told anything about my mother nor had I ever seen her or had any memory of her. Come to think of it, I don't recollect any memory of any other family. I shrug in reluctance, pocketing the photo.

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