Yellow Dandelions.

Start from the beginning

"A.J, you know all the things I told you about your real parents me and Clem have said, right?" I asked.

"Of course, I do." A.J says.

"Well, there's one thing that we left out. Something that we decided to tell you when your grow up and have somewhat of an understanding of how our world works. A long time ago, your mom was...Let's just say a difficult situation with the group she was in. She was in love with Alvin, your father and we always told you that he was your dad. But that maybe not the truth...." I said.

"What do you mean?" A.J asked.

"You know how I got this ugly scar on my face? I'm sure you remember." I said.

"Yes, you got it from Carver. You always told me that he was the one that killed my real dad." A.J said.

"Well....Carver, he could be your ACTUAL father....." I said unsurely.

"What?" A.J said, taken aback by this.

"I'm not saying that he was your father but it's possible. Your mom and Carver.....Well, let's just call it a rocky relationship between them. She was in love with Alvin and "in love" with Carver too." I said, trying to avoid telling him that Carver...Might've forced himself on Rebecca.....

"Oh...." A.J said. Seeming to catch on to what im saying.

"So that's why...I'm so scared of what you might become. I'm damn near terrified that you might turn into another Carver. That's why I didn't let you kill Marlon or Lily. Taking another persons life will change you. For better or worse. And I'll be sure to make sure it's for better." I said. A.J stays silent and seems to be processing what I'm saying. "I'm sorry I had to tell you like this. I wish it would've been a better time to tell you."

"Y/N....Just please promise me....That won't let me become a monster like him....I don't wanna hurt you anymore." A.J says.

"I won't let it happen. But I can't stop you from defending yourself when the time comes. Though I will guide you through that feeling and be a good person. Come here, give me another hug kid." I said as we embraced again. "Don't you let this get to your head too much right now. It's not healthy for your age to have this much stress."

"Okay." A.J says as we let go of each other.

"So hey, do you know where Clem is? You think you can go get her for me?" I asked.

"Sure. I think she's still trying to....Um...What's that word?" A.J says.

"Cope?" I said, trying to help him.

"Yes. Cope. I think....But yeah, I'll go get her." A.J says.

"Thanks, buddy. Tell her to meet me here at this little park." I said. A.J nods and goes to find Clementine. I then went back to the Dandelions and picked them. I then went by the pond and scooped up some water and put the yellow flowers in. I then stood up and walked over to a bench by some bushes. Before I sat down, I thought through all the things to say to her and I say some out loud to myself.

"Look, Clem. I love you too much....No, save that for later maybe.....Okay, Clem, let's just.....Ugh no! I'm a good man. Your a good woman....Gah, what the hell am I doing? Just say hi and ease your way into it, damn it. Just say hi, Clem." I mumble to myself as I pace back in forth in front of the bench with the flowers in my hand. That's when I hear someone coming and there she is. Clementine comes up to me with concern and maybe some disappointment in her expressions.

"Hi, Y/N." Clem says.

"Hey." Is all I could respond with.

"What are the flowers for?" Clem says as she points to them.

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