Chapter 12

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Once I got to the city of W.C.K.D I felt somewhat guilty even though I knew I was doing this to save Minho. I was anxious about leaving everyone. I was escorted to Dr. Paige's office, "Y/n nice to see you again." I didn't say anything, honestly I didn't know what to say, I didn't want to see her. The only reason I was here was to help Thomas save Minho, but she couldn't know that. "My understanding is that you want to work for us?"

"Yes." I said, immediately hating it when it came out of my mouth. I took a few seconds to collect my thoughts, I sighed before speaking, "I have no medical experience but as you may know I've trained, my best position would be a guard, if you would like to see what I'm made of I wouldn't mind."

"I can assure you that I may be the best out of all your guards. I have a few tricks up my sleeve."

"Why are you here Y/n? What happened?" Dr. Ava Paige asked pretty bluntly.

"After realizing some things, I came to the conclusion that W.C.K.D is good. I betrayed them like Teresa did. I've come to work for you because I know something you don't. I believe it's best to keep it that way, till I get the job." I lied.

"Does your dad know you're here?"

"I'm not sure if Janson knows but I don't care." I replied.

It had been about two days since Dr. Ava Paige accepted me as one of the new guards. It was stupid of her, but I guess having me on her team is a win for her. I was proud to hear that Thomas had arrived. I had excitement in my veins, but I was kind of nervous because once I saw Thomas I didn't know how he would react, which scared me. Newt had filled me in on some things.. He had mentioned that Gally was alive and that he was helping them.

I was walking with a lot of people near the train station when I saw Thomas, he had a smile on his face with somewhat watery eyes. He had a hoodie on with his hands in his pockets. He walked away, making me follow him. "Thomas?" I stuttered, tears threatening to fall. He took his hoodie off his head. I ran towards him, capturing him in a hug, his arms wrapping around my waist, he sighed near my ear, "God I've missed you." I laughed lightly out of joy, my eyes stung with tears of joy running down my face.

"I'm sorry Thomas. I feel so guilty even though I'm trying to help. I missed you too," I cried out. "It's okay. I forgive you Y/n." He replied and then he pulled me in for a kiss. He pulled away and looked at me. We looked at each other, just admiring each others presence. He wiped my tears away. "Let's go save Minho, yeah?"

"Yeah," I replied with a big smile on my face. Thomas had filled me in on how they were gonna use Teresa to get in the facility and they would dress up as guards. I told him that I had a uniform and that I could use it, he agreed letting me come along this time. He also informed me of Newt getting infected which made my heart drop. I kept it together though. Once we made it to there hide out, I was immediately pulled into a hug by everyone, everyone was happy, after a while Thomas went to go get Teresa, the rest of us sat patiently waiting.

Once they came back, they had Teresa with a bag over her head, Gally removed it. I was laying on two chairs, when Thomas came back, he motioned for me to get up so he could sit by me.

"Okay, so here's how this is going to go." Gally started, "I ask the questions, you give the answers," he finished. Teresa nodded sheepishly, "Okay we'll start easy, how do we get to Minho?" Gally asked.

"You guys don't seriously think that I-" she started staring at Thomas for help, causing me to roll my eyes. Gally interrupted "Don't look at him. Why are you looking at him? Look at me. He's not going to help you. Now answer the question."

Teresa paused for a moment before answering, "He's with the others in holding, on level three." Newt stepped forward, speaking up, "How many others?"

"28," Teresa answered. "I can make that work,"Brenda replied, from behind, I got up to go get water.

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