Chapter 11

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Death Cure #3 Movie

Thomas didn't want me to come save Minho. I mean why wouldn't I come? I'm trained, I know how to fight better than any of them. But I didn't want to argue with him so I just told him okay. I think he was shocked though. I think he's still worrying about me being in pain a couple months ago. Thomas and I have been drifting apart a bit, I miss him, but I don't wanna be in the way.

Thomas POV

It's been a few months and we planned to save Minho. We tracked W.C.K.D to know that their were gonna be kids on to a train, including Minho. We hoped. They were transporting them to a different location.

"Brenda we're coming up behind, keep them busy." I yelled into a walkie. I was in a car with Vince. Vince was driving, we got on the train tracks, trying to get closer to the train. Once we were close, I took off my seatbelt, climbed on top of the car, trying to latch a hook, on the train. I told Vince to get closer, once I latched the hook on the train. I went on the ladder of the train. It was Vince's turn to come on the train, he climbed on the hood of the car, but then the car's tire fell off, but I told Vince to jump. The car unhooked, and tumbled upside down.

Vince got my attention when we saw an aircraft in the air, I told Brenda in a walkie that we had company. The aircraft started shooting at Brenda and Jorge. We were walking on top of the train, and some guards were on top of them too. Vince was trying to unhook the train so it would stop moving. Once the train was detached, I whistled for Newt. I then started banging on the train. "Minho!" I then heard some of the kids yelling, I then told Newt it was this train. I was latching, hooks on some of the latches on the train, I started shooting at some of the guards. We then saw the aircraft above us. The hatch opened, lowering another hook. I latched the hook on the train once again. We lifted the train with the aircraft.

We soon landed on the ground and we opened the train. The kids were chained up, I was looking around for Minho. I saw Aris. He had a black eye. I was telling them that they were safe, but I didn't see Minho. I told Newt, Minho wasn't here.

I left the tent for a little while, to go talk to Aris. I asked him what happened and he told me he fought back, or at least he tried. Sonya told us that they were moving a lot. That we were lucky we found them. Newt asked if they knew where they were taking them, and he said something about a city. I then asked why Minho wasn't on the train. Aris replied saying that he was on the train.

I haven't seen Y/n. We've been drifting apart, I've been spending time with Brenda, for training. I decided I would go to her tent and tell her the bad news. "Y/n." I said, while walking in her tent. She was sleeping. I decided to lay down with her, I moved hair off of her face. "Tommy," she groaned. "Yes?" She didn't reply, she just slept. I smiled at her, admiring her face. "You know it's not polite to stare Thomassss," she groaned again, while her eyes were still closed.

I didn't say anything, "How was the rescue?" She asked, opening her eyes now, looking at me intently. I just shook my head, her face dropped slightly. By what my face said she knew we didn't save Minho. "I'm sorry Thomas." I wanted to change the subject.

"I feel like we've been drifting apart," she furrowed her eyebrow at me. I think she was worried about me changing the subject but she let it slide.

"That's because we have. Your training with Brenda. I don't wanna be in the way and I'm not the one who didn't want me to go on the rescue mission. Could've been a bonding experience,"'she said, sarcastically.

"You're not in the way and I didn't want you to come, okay."

"Okay," she replied, not arguing with me.

"Okay?" I blurted out. "That's it? You're not gonna argue with me?"

"Should I be arguing with you?" She said with her eyebrows raised.

"I don't know."

"Do you want me to argue with you?" her eyebrows still in a frown.

"Yes?" I say more as a question than an answer.

"Okay.. Thomas. Why didn't you want me to come on the rescue mission? I'm more trained than all of you combined."


"You want me to argue with you and that's all you say? Because?"

I sigh, breaking eye contact. "Because.. I didn't want you getting hurt. And because I love you. I care for you too much. And if something were to happen to you, I would never forgive myself," she smiled at what I said but her eyes turned watery.

"Hey. What's wrong?" I looked at her concerned.

"I'm so sorry Thomas," she randomly said.

"For what?" I looked at her skeptically. She then got up quickly.

"Look for the letter. The letter will explain everything. Don't follow me. Read. The. Letter." She instructed. I looked at her strangely, getting up too.

"Y/n what are you saying?" She sighed.

"Thomas. Promise me you won't follow me and that you'll read the letter." I didn't respond. "Thomas. Please," she pleased, with tears running down her face.

"Okay. I promise," I replied. Hopefully I wouldn't regret the promise.

"I love you Thomas," she then pecked me on the lips, leaving me shocked.

I sighed in frustration, "Y/n wait! Look I know we've been drifting apart but, I can change that okay! I can do better. Please." Tears were running down her face.

"Find the letter." She ran outside the tent. I wanted to follow her but she made me promise, I walked out of the tent seeing what direction she was going, only to see darkness.

I was so confused, I didn't know what she was talking about or doing. I was gonna go after her, but she was already long gone. I didn't know which way she was going, so I decided to look for the letter. I then looked everywhere for the letter. I eventually found an envelope that had her beautiful handwriting, it had "Thomas" on it. I opened the envelope and started reading it.

  Dear Thomas,

Newt told me you guys didn't save Minho. You know through telepathy. I've been thinking a lot lately, about WCKD, about our sudden distance, and many other things. I'm so sorry. But I had to do it. I'm in no way betraying you. I would never. I love you too much to do that. Just now, I'm at the last city of WCKD. I told you to not follow me because WCKD picked me up. I didn't want them to find you. You can come find me now. I'll be waiting for you. I'm sorry. I hope you forgive me. I'll know when you're there, have Newt tell me, he can check up on me. Make up a plan. Once you find me or once I find you, tell me the plan. I'll get you through the city. I'll try to find out codes, for you to get in but by doing that I have to get myself in some trouble, don't worry though. I'm gonna be safe. You keep me sane Thomas. I'll always be thinking about you. Tell everyone I'll miss them.

I love you Tommy, I will always love you.

               -Y/n <3

Once I was done reading, I was stunned, my eyes watered at the letter. I scanned the letter one more time, seeing there were tear stains on it, from Y/n. I ran out of the tent, to find my British best friend. "Newt!" I yelled.

"What's wrong Tommy?" I didn't say anything but gave him the letter. He read through it. He looked as stunned as me. I searched for Newt's face, because he didn't say anything.

"She's okay, she says that she loves all of us." I'm guessing Newt did his telepathy which made me feel slightly better, but I was too worried. Too many feelings were building up on each other, I didn't know if I should've been mad at her, scared for her, I knew she was capable of protecting herself, but it still made me anxious. Either way. I still loved her, I had fallen for Y/n.

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