Chapter 3

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Thomas and Minho went into the Maze to find a way out. I slept pretty much all day, since I didn't sleep at all. I was in the Med Jack just laying on one of the beds. Teresa went to tell everyone that Alby was awake. Teresa didn't like me much which I didn't understand why, I wasn't the one holding a machete to her neck.

"Has he said anything?" Minho asked Teresa, I sat up. "No," she replied. Alby was sitting with his arms crossed. "Alby," Newt said while sitting down next to him. "Alby, you alright?" Newt asked. Alby's eyes looked watery. Thomas kneeled down in front of him.

"Hey Alby. We might've just found a way out of the Maze. You hear me? We can get out of here," Thomas explained to Alby. "We can't. We can't leave. They won't let us," Alby replied. "What are you talking about Alby?" Thomas asked.

"I remember," Alby said. "What do you remember?" Thomas asked. Alby turned his head to be face to face with Thomas. "You. You and Y/n are their favorite's Thomas. Always." I creased my brow at what he said. I suddenly heard commotion outside the hut, so I went outside. Everyone had torches. Thomas came outside next to me "Hey Winston, what's going on?" Thomas asked one of the boys. "It's the doors, they aren't closing," Winston replied. I started to speed walk near the doors, only to feel a hand grab my wrist. I looked back to see Thomas, he then moved his hand down to hold my hand, he pulled me with him near the doors. This gesture made my heart beat. We looked at the opening of the walls. Then we heard this bang and it startled me so I covered my ears, letting go of Thomas' hand. The other doors of the Maze started to open, making the same noise.

"Okay Chuck, I want you to go to the council haul, start barricading the doors." Thomas told Chuck.

"Winston, you go with him," Newt added.

"Grab the others, tell them to go hide in the forest. NOW," Gally exclaimed.

Thomas then told Minho to grab every weapon he could find. "You, Teresa, and I, we're gonna go get Alby," I just nodded. Then we heard a Griever coming from the door. "Alright Everybody hide!" Thomas yelled. Thomas and Teresa ran, and I stood there processing what was happening, looking at the intersection in the wall. "C'mon!" Thomas exclaimed and then grabbed me to run with them. We ran through this tall grass to hide. We all kneeled. We heard people screaming and getting taken. "Shit," I mumbled. Then this claw looking thing was above this boy named Zart. It grabbed him and I tried helping him but it was too late. The Griever pulled him and we started running again.

We found Alby with Clint and Jeff. People were being taken left and right. We started running again when a Griever appeared in front of us. The Griever got its claw out again. I grabbed this jar with fire in it and threw it at the Griever, lighting it up on fire. We ran to the homestead, the same Griever right behind us. "Keep Moving," Thomas yelled. I was in front of him looking back making sure he was okay. Alby fell but we got him back up. "Get behind me," Thomas said. The Griever right in front of him. "C'MON," He screamed, taunting it. Frypan, Minho, and Newt came out with weapons. "Over here c'mon," Chuck yelled. We made it inside the homestead.

We heard a growl outside, the Griever tried to get in. The Grievers claw came crashing through the roof. It took me. Thomas and Minho grabbed onto me. "Don't let go," Thomas said. "No shit," I replied, fear came over me. I felt this harsh pain, before I past out.

Thomas POV

"Don't let go!" I told her. "No shit," she replied. But then she wasn't conscious. She got stung. The Griever was still holding her but I didn't let go, neither did Minho. Alby then grabbed this piece of wood and started smacking the crap out of its stinger and claw. Eventually the Griever let go.

"Shit," I mumbled. Minho carried the girl in his arms. The claw came back, getting Alby. I went to grab him but I couldn't reach. He was holding on by the roof of the homestead. "Get them out," he told me and he let go of the roof. I then walked out of the homestead. The Glade was destroyed and on fire. Gally then came running at me. "Gally," I said before he punched me making me fall on the ground. I got back up. "Let it go Gally, it's not Thomas' fault,"Minho said. "You heard Alby! They sent him here to destroy everything and now he has! Look around.  This is your fault," Gally yelled. I then looked at the stinger Chuck was holding and took it out of his hand. "Maybe he's right,"I said.

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