He slowly walked over and took a seat, never breaking eye contact with me, "It happened again, didn't it?"

My eyes looked elsewhere and that seemed to answer his question. 

"V, you can tell us when you feel like this. We understand that getting random episodes is frustrating and annoying but there's no shame in it. We all have episodes. Just let us know when and what you need," he smiled slightly as his hands fidgeted with themselves on the table, trying their hardest not to extend toward me. 

I placed my hand onto his and smiled back.

After a few minutes, he took his hand away and clapped them together, "Try the food! Try it! Tell me what you think."

I looked down at the plate of cooked rice and eggs with fried chicken strips and side salad. I grabbed the fork and began to eat. He really did try. It's actually not bad!

"How is it?" He asked nervously.

"Delicious," I squeaked.

"See babe! I told you that it's good," Dontae exclaimed.

Meek blushed slightly, "Aw, you guys! Maybe I'll cook dinner for everyone after I practice some more."

Dontae brushed back Meek's blonde curls and chuckled, "We can get DJ to help teach you. I only know so much."

As we continued eating and giving suggestions to Meek on what to cook, I eventually was able to explain my morning after drinking many cups of water to ease my throat.

"I don't want to go back to the office but if I don't Jen will come and get me again," I explained.

"Just tell them all to fuck off! Saves time and energy," Meek waved.

"I feel like it's not that simple. A whole person is gone, people have questions and the rumors are only going to get worse."

Dontae fixed himself in the chair, "I can suggest to the boss to let Jen and I make an announcement about it. It'll hopefully lessen the questions and stares."

"No, no, that's too much. You guys never made an announcement about the building guy so why make one now?" I shrugged.

He nodded thoughtfully as I checked my watch. "It's about time to get you guys home. Are you sure you want to go? You guys can stay," I stood up and stretched.

Dontae attempted to stand on his own before Meek caught him and helped him stand correctly. "Thank you for the offer but we should go. I'm pretty sure you're going crazy with everything and need some alone time," Dontae explained.

"You also need to go food shopping. We left some money on the counter as a thank you," Meek pointed toward the kitchen.

I started walking toward the kitchen, "You didn't have to! Take the money back, I'm happy to help. Thank you though."

Footsteps rapidly approached my side, "V, no! Please leave it there." Meek's whining voice raised as he neared me.

"I can't accept it."

He jumped in front of the kitchen with his arms out and a hard stare, "The money is staying there. It's the least we can do."

"I agree with him. We should start going before you're late for work," Dontae stated as he limped toward the door.

I groaned, "Fine!"

We carefully took Dontae down the stairs and brought him to the car. Once we got there, Meek insisted on driving and I chose not to argue against it. As he drove, we talked about Dontae's recovery and such. They let me know that Meek would be returning to work next week while Dontae would be returning after two months if his recovery went smoothly. They also mentioned that the boss had taken care of their wrecked car and is giving them a new one once Dontae can prove that he's fully recovered. For now, Meek is the only one allowed to drive Dontae's car. 

"You sure you don't need help getting into your apartment?" I asked them as I settled into the driver's seat.

"Yeah, we're fine. It's only those three steps and then we're on our floor," Dontae reassured me.

I waved to them, "Call me if you guys need anything."

They both waved goodbye to me as I drove back toward the office. 

Getting back to my floor of the office building, I noticed that Pam wasn't at the front desk, giving an opening for attentive eyes to watch as I walked back to my desk. 

I attempted to continue working and ignoring them but the constant need for them to make small talk with me kept interrupting whatever concentration I had left. Eventually though, one brave soul asked the million dollar question, "What happened to Noel?" With not a hint of remorse or hesitation was in their voice. Everyone's heads snapped towards us and waited patiently for my response.

The sounds of heels clicking across the floor filled the silent, still room. "Get back to work," Jen's voice boomed. She watched as everyone scattered into their rightful places and Pam shivered behind her. 

"I don't want to hear any more rumors or questions about Noel Fuentes both inside and outside of this building. This is a direct order, any who fail to comply will answer to the boss. Is that understood?" She asked slowly.

Everyone mumbled some type of agreement before the sounds of typing surfaced.

Jen took a loud deep breath, spun on her heel, and left. Pam scurried over to me with her tablet in hand and a worried look on her face.

"Are you okay?" She whispered.

I hesitantly nodded after checking to see that no one was watching us.

"Good. I couldn't sit by and watch you get hounded again so I reported it. I figured they wouldn't take me too seriously if I said the same thing. Anyway, get back to work, alright? We'll talk later." She stood up and attempted giving a threatening look to anyone who looked our way as she slowly walked back to her desk.

" She stood up and attempted giving a threatening look to anyone who looked our way as she slowly walked back to her desk

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Bing bong!

It's day 27 of nano and I'm at 21k still. I couldn't help myself and slowly started editing when I'm not dealing with family.

Till next time ✌🏼💕

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