Chapter one

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the door swung open. "how many times do I have to call you before you finally fucking answer?" Tony asked. "now get up! We have a meeting today. And no you cant miss this one out." he said quickly after.

"ok ok!"you replied jumping out of bed. "get out so I can get changed then!" you said pointing to the door.

He nodded and walked out. You got changed and headed to the elivator. As you reachhed the main floor you took a deep breath and put on a smile. You walk through the large taunting double doors. "miss Stark." Sam said smiling. you smiled back "hey sam" you guys are like bestfriends. You sat down next to Steve and Wanda. "1. Its 4 days until the funeral so make sure to note that down. 2.-" tony said before being cut off by you. "way to lay it down gently." you scoffed. "oh come on Y/n! you didnt know him dont take it personally." he replied. "maybe not but Wanda did!" you said. "she was her bestfriend!" Nat said just after you. Your dad rolled his eyes and carried on. Your dad wasnt normally this insensitive, but the funeral has been getting him all worked up and stressed lately.

"we have located Barnes." your dad said as you felt Steve sit up in excitement. "we will be tracking him and bring him back here.. Except you Y/n. You can stay here with Nat." your dad said looking at you. You rolled your eyes. "well then if im not needed why am i here?" you asked. "because, when he gets here he will be having the spare room on you and Natashas floor so you need to know what kind of condition he will be in." Steve said.

After the meeting they all suited up except Nat and you. They all left the compound and you walked over to the elivator. "im just going to go shower." you said smiling at Nat. "ok." she said smiling back.

You went to your floor and hopped into the shower. You end up being in there for an hour. Theres a knocked at your bedroom door as you hear it open. "Y/n you ok?" you hear Nat call out. You look at the time on your phone. "shit. Yeah im fine I just didnt realise the time sorry!" you called out to her. "ok but F.R.I.D.A.Y alerted me that the others will be back in about 30 minutes so hurry up!" she said and you could hear her laughing slightly. "ok!" you called back out to her.

You get out of the shower and get ready. Just before you put your shirt on, You look in the mirror in your bedroom and see the scar that goes across your stomach, from your left at a slight downward tilt to your right. You let a tear escape from your eyes. "miss Stark,it appears your father and the others have returned. They are requesting you." F.R.I.D.A.Y said over the sigh and head to the elivator.

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