Part Four

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                        Niall 8:00 a.m.
I woke up earlier than usual, ebullient with enthusiasm.  I hop in the shower and sing 'Viva la Vida' into my shampoo bottle microphone. Tonight was the party at Harry's set up. Harry's always throwing parties knowing he, Louis, and I are outright party animals. But tonight is different, Zayn is going to be there.

Something about this tan, hazely - brown eyed boy had me doing everything in my power to see and be around him. I'd pass his class whenever I had the chance and even secretly tail him in the corridors. I might have been obsessed even though i'd only know him a total of one day in which I had physically injured him with my bike.
I felt bad that we hadn't told Zayn where we we're going even though we enticed him to having lunch with us. But at least Finneas invited him when we didn't. Finneas used to be known for being the spicy emo girls unpopular brother. But they became somewhat known over the years. I wasn't proud of our past but we used to bully him. That was four years ago so we just assumed he was over it, so sometimes we can't control our reactions and remarks.

I hop out the shower and wrap a towel around my midsection. I spray deodorant, brush my teeth, do my hair neat into a quiff and check out what to wear. I wear some sweats and and a hoodie and decide i'll change before the party.

I want to look good for the party. Well, for Zayn at the party I mean.

I look in the mirror and shaped myself up.    I am exhilarated for today in ways i can't express.  I just want to jump around. 

I head my usual route to Orville's and then to school.  Today I decided to drive to school.  I make very sure there were no cute tan boys called Zayn in my way to hit with my car.  I crank up the Justin Bieber song playing on the radio and sing along.  If I hadn't seen myself into sports and popularity among my peers, I'd make my own music.  The boys and I do karaoke all the time at Harry's parties and we're amazing at it so I was excited for that as well.  But I don't want to embarrass myself in front of Zayn. 

I turn into the car park and my heart starts pounding heavy and the butterflies I thought only girls got started to whirlwind around in my guts.  My eyes spot a pretty face, attached to slim body dribbling a football around the lot.  There he is clad in a white shirt with the words "Cool Kids Don't Dance" on it, I chuckle at this.  But the jealousy instantly kicked in when I saw Louis and Liam also playing with him.  I get out of the car and catch eyes with Li who waved me over.

"Mornin' Nialler!" Li and Lou serenade unanimously. 
"Top of the mornin' to you both." I cheer.
Then my eyes wander over to Zayn who's sunlight golden eyes happen to already be on me.  I sheepishly rub my arm and blush.

"Good mornin' Niall." Zayn smirks.  I could just pass out right there. I was feeling lightheaded.  It was probably the nerves.
"Good morning Zayn" I smile from ear to ear. 

As I had stalked Zayns timetable, we were set to have 2 classes together today.  The first class with Liam and the last was just the two of us.  So when all the boys arrived we walked into the school stopped so that Liam could pack the ball away.

Class wizzed by with a numerous amount glances at Zayn , occasionally getting caught. And the ill feeling in me progressively got worse. And before I knew it, school had ended and people were pouring out of the building. There are excitement filled whisper and cheers about Harry's bash after school.
Walking out I meet up with the boys.

"You alright there, Nialler?" Lou questions, lifting one eyebrow.
I was not alright at all. I felt as if my insides were turning out.  As if i'd just hunch over and hurl at any given moment.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I flash a sham smile. This feeling would probably go away. I wanted to go to that party, I had to.
Louis hesitated for a minute then smiled shrugged it off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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