chapter 11

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She entered his heart and drowned in a valley over flowing with love,

He saw the smile on her face and
Fell in love again....

The sun rise with a new hope, passion and a new rythem of heart beat the next day.

It was the most peaceful sleep of ubaid for he slept with the thoughts of inayat.

It's been almost two weeks since she came and not even a single second ubaid could keep his mind toh himself. It is always around inayat.

On the other hand inayat was restless today, it was as if she was being suffocate by something. She tried her best to calm her fast beating and restless heart.

She walked in to kitchen after freshing up to see bijaan with maids working for breakfast.

"What's today bijaan?"Inayat asked pouring a milk in glass.

"Usual dear." Bijaan answered with a smile inayat hmmed.

They all sat and had the break fast with boys discussing about work and inayat stuffing herself with chapati and keema.

Asif noticed inayat but let it go, after breakfast they all sat for tea but inayat walked in her room silently.

"What's with her?"Asif asked daim.

"None of our business." Abraar said in stern voice.

"Boys.... Gather in office room with the cups. "Naoman said loudly from the office room.

All stood and walked to the room, they all saw the same papers from last mission and frowned.

Ubaid sat with his cup of coffee all relaxed, sipping the liquid with a pointed look.

"Where is she?"Was the only words which came out of ubaid but in a gentle like tone.

"In her room man, she is low today." Daim replied with a sulked heart.

"Call her here" Ubaid said everyone looked each other

"Here?" Naoman confirmed again.

"Bro, this is not for her." Abraar pointed at the maps.

"Call her daim...." Ubaid ordered this time.

Everyone were shocked to see that ubaid let an outsider enter the room which held all the important mission work. Ubaid himself cleans this particular room and never any maid do the cleaning of this meeting room and his own room.

They all sipped thier cups and waited for inayat and daim.

Inayat entered first than daim. Ubaid looked at her features which showed that she just prayed but she looked tired ubaid frowned at that moment.

Is mattress comfortable?

Did she felt lonely?

Is she in pain somewhere?

Immediately every sort of question came to his mind. He was so deep to find the answer that he almost forgot why he even called them.

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