ep33: Always mine

Start from the beginning

By the time he was done with all the clothes and closed his bag the shower had gone off. Team took the box, and shook it, trying to guess what it was, it felt like something was rolling inside. It was fairly heavy too...a skincare kit?

He threw the lid on the bed and almost choked on air when he saw what was inside. That's when he heard the bathroom door open. Automatically Team hid the box behind his back, its not like he could close it as the fucking lid was on the bed. Win caught the sudden movement and raised an eyebrow at the junior.

"Hi" Team said, mentally slapping himself.

"Whats in your hands?" Win asked slowly coming forward, still wiping his wet hair with a towel. He was wearing a thin loose white shirt and shorts.

"Nothing hia...I think someone knocked the door can you go check?" Team knew that Win wouldn't be buying that, but it was still worth a shot right?

Win smiled at the stupid excuse, there was definitely something he was hiding behind him, what was that? He threw the towel on the chair "I don't think there's anyone there, now...what's behind your back?" Before he could answer, Win came forward and wound his hands around team, as he was almost a head taller than the other Win peeked over his shoulder to see what it was. "Hiaa!"

Win took the box from behind Teams hand and held it in between both of them. A smirk grew on Wins face as he saw what was inside.

"It's not mine!" Team said immediately.
Win looked at him "Ah really?" He laughed as he sat in the edge of the bed and kept the box beside him.

In the box on top of the confetti there were three small bottles of lube, plain, strawberry and raspberry.

"P'Ahn must have slipped that in when I wasn't looking. She said she had a gift for me when we were leaving." Team explained himself . Win extended his hand to him which he reluctantly took. He then pulled Team on his lap "Then why were you trying to hide it?"

Team turned to face him. Now his legs were on either side of the senior "I don't know. It was automatic. You came out so suddenly I got scared"

"Aww you poor you" Win pouted and as soon as the words left his mouth he turned around and threw team on the bed. Not wasting a second more he started tickling him. Team burst out laughing, trying to block himself or move the taller's hands away. "Win!!" Team tried to tickle win back and slip out but failed. Win couldn't help but smile at the sound of Teams laughter, it sounded so beautiful to him.

"Promise you'll never hide anything from me again" He giggled from on top.

"I....aahhhahahahahaha I- I promise!!" Team managed to say between his laughing fit.

Win stopped tickling him and got off, he took the gift box and placed it's contents in the bedside drawer before turning back to team who was looking at him questioningly "Let's keep those there for now, we can use them later"

Team opened his mouth as of to say something but then closed it back then opened it again "I- I'm going to have a bath" He took his clothes and towel and went to the bathroom.

"Want me to help you clean?" Win teased knocking the door

"Shut up!"

He laughed and picked up the box, placing the lid on top of it he put away.


Win finally closed the book. Team had a test the next day and had forgotten about it. He had remembered only when he saw the bag with his books after taking a shower. He had told the senior to go to sleep, but win had insisted that he would stay up and help. Team had to admit Hia had helped a lot. Who knew his notes could be so helpful and easy.

He had just quizzed team who had answered almost everything. It was already 2am. They had closed everything, switched off the lights and were in bed.

"Come here" Win mumbled, pulling Teams warm body closer to him. Team who was already half asleep unconsciously snuggled into Wins body and draped his arm around the seniors waist. "I Love you..." It came out berly more than a whisper but Win head it. He smiled and nuzzled Team's forehead softly "I love you too pao, more than anything. Good night"

Win knew he could never let go of him now. It was too late, he had already fallen hard. Loosing this boy was something he couldn't afford. He would destroy anything that came in between them. He belonged to pao and pao to him, that was all that mattered.

In the dark of the room, a small smile grew across teams face. He wasn't going to let go of his Hia either. Not in this life, not in the next.


☆*:. o(≧▽≦)o .:*☆

Okay, so the book is over
It's my first book an I've loved and enjoyed writing it. I do have ideas for a few bonus episodes but that'll be quite some time later. I hope you enjoyed the story. 🌈 ♡'・ᴗ・'♡
Please feel free to comment, I love reading them no matter how big or small they are.

Bye~ <3

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