34- A new to way to apologise

Start from the beginning

Never in a million years.

Biting my lower lips, I took out two 100 note and put on his hand.

Murmuring a small " Thank You " and hearing a slow yet Clear " don't take stress, I'm here for you " I left the car with a smile


When he said he'd earn my forgiveness, I thought he'd shower me with gift, branded clothes and what not but Manik did exactly opposite which I exactly wanted and somehow made my hear a little tiny winy little warm.

Anyways coming home and knowing tomorrow is off is one of the best-est feeling in the world, prove me wrong.

The palace have so many helpers that I don't even need to stir a spoon or to do anything which somehow is making my lazy self more lazy.

Manik was nowhere to be seen and I thought it'd be a perfect opportunity to eat something else other than soup, khichdi, milk toast, or green vegetables.

Its the ninth day after my discharge from hospital and I'm perfectly fine now, going to work and everything but he is just not able to understand it.

I was busy in thinking what should I eat that should neither be junk food nor tasteless, when having a large sub came in my mind.

It has lots of vegetables and I'll ask to put a lot of cheese and if it will be homemade than obviously it'd be healthy, right?

Before much ado, I told one of the cook to make me cheesiest chicken sub for dinner, hearing me he look apalled but thankfully just nodded seeing my glare.


It's been almost an hour, still there is no news about my dinner, I wanted to eat before Manik's get back home cause never in a thousand years he'd let me have that.

Going to the kitchen, I saw someone more precisely Manik's back came into my view. His shirt sleeves were folded till his arms and he was sitting on the high chair infront of the kitchen counter munching something.

Not something he's eating my food

My eyes went wide when I saw what he was eating, I was about to leave in anger when he spoke with his mouth full " mmhm this is so delicious, want some wifey? "

I turned back to see him giving me smirk that made me angry like anything

" A little birdie told me about your little stunt " he smirked, wiping the cheese from the corner of his mouth

I chose to keep quiet, and only glared at the cook who was looking at me apologetically.

" Leave us alone, John " he uttered standing up in a full business mode

" So? Is it true or it is true? " He asked once the cook left

I chose to be silent, and stood there like some 8 year kid who got less marks in exam.

Oh God, give me some confidence

" I'm not answerable to you. The last time I checked I wasn't even talking to you " I hissed trying to act confidence but in reality my legs were shivering because of the look he's giving

" Alright. Alright. Don't be afraid " he said softly surrendering both his hands up

" And why would I be afraid of you from all the people " I rolled my eyes but truth to be told I was afraid, more than I'll ever say and he'll ever know

Manik has this dominating aura which screams power, a minute or two back he was giving me one of those stares which I'm shit scared of.

" Whatever makes you sleep at night " he answered pulling me closer to himself and settling both of us on the high chair with me on his lap, obviously!

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