Agents of D.H.O.R.K.S. Part 2

Start from the beginning

Loona tried to read the spell, but it was no use. She can't see cause of the room being too dark with the red light. Blitzo checked if he has any weapons or ammo left. Unfortunately, he's out.
"Look, leave our kids out of this. Take me instead." Drew said. "If your gonna take him, then take me too." Diane added. "Sorry guys, you and the demons aren't going anywhere now." Agent two said. "So which one do you wanna take on? One or two?" Blake said. "Hmmmmm." Randal started to think about which one to take on? 

Before they could notice, a cold shadow presence passes over. And headed towards Adam. Within his mind, Adam felt a grab. Knowing something tried to take control. And Adam started to struggle to get free. "No, let go of me! Let go!" Adam tries to fight it. "Adam." A gentle voice spoke to Adam.  Adam stopped, hearing that familiar voice. 

He sees those familiar arms that he knows he saw them before. He turns around to see its Stolas. Who happens to be here in Adam's mind. "Stolas? What are you doing here?" Adam asked Stolas. "I came to help, Blitz and his partners Seem to got themselves caught. And knew something seems wrong. Especially  when I know blitz is in danger. But what I didn't realize when I got here. Was you, Jim, Violet, and even your mom and dad got thrown into the mix." Stolas said. Adam knelled down in distress. 

"My life really sucks. No matter how much I do. To forget. To have a normal life. Everything goes into shit. I have supernatural crap on my hide. Like everything no matter if I'm safe on earth. Everything, and that guy that tried to kill me wants me dead." Adam said in a sad tone. "Adam? What is even the matter?" Stolas asked.

"It only started when I was a kid. Just waiting to be in a family to have a happy life. But when the purge happened. After escaping with help from the cherubs. There's always something, and even someone that wants me dead no matter what." Adam placed his hands on his face. Stolas tries to comfort Adam. 

"Its ok Adam, your ok." Stolas said. "This Nergal guy won't stop hunting me down. While I'm on earth, just having a life. And this crap happens. Capturing us just to get what they wanted. Answers is what they wanted. Is this how I have to deal with now?" Adam said. "It seems so. And we all have to live with it. I always got demons out there in hell. Hunting me down. And they still do to this day in hell." Stolas said. "Because your rich?" Adam guessed. 

"Yep, your a smart one. I'm rich, and hot." Stolas said. "Uh, ok then." Adam said. But my point is Adam. Sometimes our life will be perfect. Or have a life where everyone has enemies. Enemies you can make with just one event. And one move. The outcome will have both the positive, and the negative. Be happy your alive. Its your destiny to choose." Stolas said. "What?" Adam wondered. "How you want to deal with a life you had? And how do you handle Nergal? Your only enemy out for you. That will be your choice." Stolas said. 

Adam thought for a moment. Then gets up. "I guess everything only falls to me. No matter where I go. I'm sure to get caught up into anything. Nergal that is hunting me down. And now. I'm faced with a demon that also tries to get me alive. Everything is out to get me." Adam said. "Demons kept talking about you. They will want to shake hands. Or stick a knife on your hand. One of them you may encounter. Always keep your guard up." Stolas said. 

"That's what I been doing for a long time. I'm always keeping my guard up." Adam replied. "Right now, I think Blitzo, and all the others are In need of an assistance. And it seems the odds isn't good. Adam, I may need to borrow ya, but don't worry. You will be in control, while I offer some assistance. But for those two however. Leave them to me. You understand what I'm saying?" Stolas waits for an answer.

Adam nods in response. "I think I know where this is going. Your gonna use me. But my mind would still be there?" Adam asked. "Yes, and once I leave ya. You will be back to yourself again." Stolas said. "Then let's do this. I can't have my foster family  be trapped in this place forever. And same goes for Blitzo. Even though he's a demon. But demons like Moxxie and Millie don't deserve this ether. Not even Loona ether." Adam said. 

"Then take my hand Adam." Stolas offers his hand. Adam knows they won't have a happy life if he doesn't do something to help him. So he grabs Stolas claw. And everything around started to change atmosphere. The red glow is seen between Adam and Stolas arms. 

"So many doors. At least you noobs know what your doing." Randal said. "But that doesn't mean it also prevents us from escaping." Blake said. "So your gonna find another way to escape?" Agent one said. "That's the plan loser." Randal said. "But you would have to get through us, and our backup in the room with all of us." Agent two said. "Fine by me. I rather let the guns do the talking. It says move it or get shot." Randal said. 

"Wow We're so scared." Agent one said in his sarcastic tone. "But your welcome to try anyway." Agent two said. "We are happy to oblige. Agent two." Blake readied his katana. When one of them is about to make a move. They see Adam getting up. "Adam, your awake. That's good news." Drew said. "What took you so long to wake up?" Blitzo wondered. Adam didn't respond, and went forward without a word. No one never expected this. "Adam, what are you doing?" Violet asked. Adam didn't listen, he kept going. Eventually he stopped in his tracks. 

"Let my family go. Let everyone go. Don't make me do something very violent, it won't be pretty." Adam said in a serious way. The agents, and even Blake and Randal started to laugh. At what Adam said. "Kid, are you serious right now." Randal said. "What are you doing, playing hero? Like every kid's dream of being one?" Agent one mocked Adam. "Look out agent one, he's got ultra instinct. And its over nine thousand." Agent two said, and started to laugh so much. "Wow, this is embarrassing." Blitzo said.

"You got that right demon." Blake agreed with Blitzo. Violet thinks Adam is doing something stupid, but violet knows Adam better. She knows this isn't like Adam, to say it something hardcore. He never even done something like that. 

"Jimmy, has Adam tried to act something hardcore?" Violet asked Jimmy. "Not ever since we found him. Not even throughout seven years." Jimmy answered. This confirms to violet that something is going on with Adam. "Hey, can one of agents get this kid out of the battlefield?" Agent two request the agents. "Ill do it." Said the agent. "Playtime is over kiddo. Now move along and-" Before he could even try to push Adam out of the way. He gets grabbed by the shirt.

He never expected it to happen. Before the agent could react by hitting Adam with a hilt of his katana, Adam let's go of him, and backs up. Dodging his hilt in time. Then Adam pushes him with a strong force that he crashes into the wall. To everyone's surprise. Adam let's out a cry, an owl like cry.

The cameras started glitch that it can't record. And Adam's appearance started to change. His clothes changed colors. His jacket went from blue, to black and red. His pants went blue, to black. Adam's  left hand got colored half to black While his scar on his left arm glowed red. highlighting where his scar is. Even his shoes got colored black. 

Adam's brown hair stayed the same. But his eyes however, changed from ordinary blue eyes. To red eyes. But his eyes looked like an owl. An angry one ready to fight. The sharp black stripes below his eyes can also be seen. "Last chance, let us go. I mean it." Adam said through his demonic voice. A familiar one that some witnessing it may know. Blitzo knows in an instant. "No fucking way." Blitzo is shocked when he knows that voice anywhere. "You don't scare me kid."

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