"Who you calling a little side kick asshole!" Jason said in the background.

"Attaboy" Hank said.

I closed my eyes as punching and Jason's cries were heard.

"You fucking bastard! Come try that shit with me!" Hank yelled.

"Just tell us what you want" Dick said.

"As I was saying if you want him back, hand over Rose" he said.

I could feel Jason's slow breathes in my mind as Dick talked. I zoned out feeling Jason's pain, closing my eyes.

"It's gonna be alright kid" I said looking at his subconscious. "I promise."

I shook my head at Dick as we headed back to the tower. We all stood in the elevator in silence as the doors opened. I looked at my hands looking up to see Kory.

"Kory?" Dick said.

"What happened to Jason?" She asked.

I looked at Gar quickly looking away.

"Let's talk in the training room" he said.

As we all stood in the training room I looked around.

"So, who's gonna start?" I asked.

"You should've thrown that girl out the minute you knew she was Deathstroke's daughter" Hank said.

"Wait a minute, pirate girl is this guys daughter?" Kory asked.

"Yeah and he wants her back" Hank said.

"Which we can't do" Dick said.

"Why not!" Hank said. "It's not a crazy idea!"

"You're not serious?" Dawn said.

"I'm serious about ending this once and for all with Deathstroke" he said. "It might not be pretty but neither is watching Jason get killed by that lunatic."

I put my hands on my head walking around.

"Why don't we neutralize this guy?" Kory asked.

"Not easy. We barely survived his last attack" Donna said.

"Jason is hurt, alone and scared. He doesn't deserve this!" I said.

"Are you really suggesting that?" Dawn asked.

"We don't know what he wants with his daughter" I said. "It's none of our business but one of our own is in the hands of this psycho who killed one of us before."

"Bottom line is, he's one of us and she's not" Hank said. "So if handing her over means it saves his life, I don't know about you, but I can sleep a little better at night knowing I did the right thing!"

"You good with this, Grayson?" Kory asked. "Dick!"

"Just give me a second" he said.

"He killed Garth, do you really wanna see another dead Titan?" I asked.

"She's just a kid" Dawn said.

"And so is Jason!" I said.

"Deathstroke's kid" Donna said. "Let's be honest. The further away from us she gets, the safer she's gonna be."

"If we leave her out there, Deathstroke will hunt her down" Dawn said. "We've gone down this path before and we all know how that ended. We're not using Deathstroke's kid to get to him again."

I looked up as Dawn quickly looked away from my eyes.

"Ah fuck it" Hank said. "I'll take her there myself. Good luck trying to stop me."

I turned around as a figure ran down the hall.

"What the hell was that?" Kory asked.

Gar appeared leaning against the wall.

"Uh Rose heard you guys talking about giving her up" he said. "She's trying to leave."

"Shit" Dick said running to his phone.

I looked at Donna before walking down the hall. I could feel her footsteps behind me. I turned a round staring at her dark brown eyes.

"Are you gonna tell me what the fuck happened last time!" I said.

"We-" she started.

I heard a thud running down the hall to see Rachel standing near Rose's body.

"Rachel!" Dick said.

The girl slowly turned around with tears in her eyes as she ran away. Kory quickly ran after her as I examined Rose's body.

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