"Ahh I know you now. Your parkers cousin. He showed us a picture of you" clint said and shook his hand.

Stiles smiled and shook his hand back. Alekqa sneezed and clint looked back at her. "What type of alien are you?"He asked.

"Dad that's rude!" I spoke up. He chuckled and alekqa did her shape-shifting and turned into my dad.

He jumped back surprised and we laughed a little. "Now that I can be scared off" clint spoke lightly.

Lila came in and said that dinner was ready. We all walked to the house and I was in first. I haven't been home since last year. Tony thought it was a good idea for me to take care of Benny.

He gave me a agent dad and everything. Agent Dad was very nice.

"El El sit with me!" Nathaniel said and patted a sit next to him and copper. I smiled and sat next to my brothers while Lila and mom shared the head of the table, Stiles, alekqa and Benny on the other side.

Dad sat at the other end. "So who are the couples?" Lila asked out loud. Benny and Stiles choked on their food and dad nearly fell of his chair.

"Lila you don't just ask that!" Cooper yelled over the table. She stuck out her tongue. "It was your original question dumbass" Mom whacked her upright on her head for cursing.

"Lila Nick Barton! You do not swear at the table. Or anywhere till your 18!" Mom scolded. Lila groaned. "4 more years" she teased and dad gave her a warning finger.

Lila was 2 years younger than me, while Cooper was only a year older than me. Nathaniel was three.

"So we just gonna ignore the fact the two Boys choked and not the girls?" Cooper asked. I slapped his upright and his face nearly smacked Into the plate of mashed potatoes.

Cooper was about to hit me but dad stopped him by yelling us. We stayed silent while Benny, Stiles and Alekqs were trying not to laugh at us.

I glared at them.

"So where are we sleeping tonight?" Benny asked. Probably to defuse the tension but I couldn't help but feel that he was avoiding the question...

Third person
Unknown to the People sat at the tabl Benny and Stiles were holding hands. Benny rubbed his thumb against Stiles Palm and Stiles felt the tiggles shoot through him.

They ate then went out to the barn again. Clint offered El her room again but she declined and said she wanted to hang around her friends instead.

Clint nodded and El said goodnight to her siblings. The group stayed in the barn and Stiles felt the rider coming.

"He's coming" He spoke. Everyone looked up at him and nodded. Alekqa and El left outside to give him privacy and Benny kissed stoles cheek before going outside too.

"So you and Stiles huh?" El and alekqa Teased together. Benny glared at them playfully. "You two are annoying" He commented. The girls just smile and heard the sound of a motorcycle enter the barn.

The opened the door and looked inside to see Stiles burning skull body.

The opened the door and looked inside to see Stiles burning skull body

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"That motorbike looks so good" El commented. The three stared as Stiles rode away with aloud rev.

"He's so hot" Benny mumbled. The girls smirked at each other and Benny's eyes widened and he started yelling out.

"No no no! I'd isn't saying that!"

When morning struck the Barton farmhouse Stiles arrived back at the barn and saw Elvera asleep on hay, Alekqa Plaving some time of chess game by herself and Benny chopping wood outside.

He watched as Benny's muscles tensed as he swinged the axe at the blocks of wood. It was 8 in the morning and the Barton family had already woken up.

"Doing Clints dirty work huh?" He asked Benny. The blonde looked up and smiled before chopping another piece of log.

"It's the best we can do for the shelter..and plus, you don't see his lazy daughter doing it" Stiles chuckled at his boyfriend.

"Can I have a go?" Stiles asked. Benny nodded and handed him the axe. Stiles swung at the the and perfectly chopped it in half.

"Show off" Benny teased. Stiles gave him a cheeky smile.

"I liked to see you two do better" Stiles sassed. Benny smirked and grabbed a thick log and pulled it up to his chest then spilt it in half with his arms.

Stiles stared in shock and Benny swore he saw a tiny piece of dribble. Their momment was cut short by a slight ticking noise.

They looked around Confused. They noticed it was coming from the barn. Suddenly the barn burst out into flames.

The kids went into a panic and Clint, Laura and a crying Nathaniel came rushing out side.

"WHERE AR WTHE GIRLS?!" clint yelled. We looked at the barn terrified as Lila and Cooper raced over.

"Last I saw they were in the barn" Cooper spoke. They looked at the barn in shock.

"Elvera! Alekqa! GIRLS?!"

Thats when Stiles made up his mind and he raced Into the barn. Benny tried to go after then Hut the flames went bright blue and he went flying back into he wood pile.

He was lucky enough not to be staked.

He then saw something catch his eye. He looked closely to see someone holding a bow and arrow.

He looked closer to see it was Scott and his pack....

For fuck suck.

How dare they come here!

I'm gonna kill them

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