Chapter 11- A King, a Pirate, and a Family

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Nightmare stepped out of the Jeep, adjusting his mask to make sure he could see properly. The wind threw his cape out behind him, and he felt like a twisted superhero. His boots clicked menacingly against the pavement, making him smile with each step. He felt terrifying.

Wilbur got out behind him, pushing his long hair out of his face. His glasses reflected the lamplight and the eyes behind them held a glint of insanity that made Nightmare feel a bit more alive. His trench coat looked warmer than Dream's whole outfit, making him silently wish he had brought a sweatshirt. Despite the heavy material of the old cloak, a simple breeze could make Nightmare shiver.

Techno got out of the driver's seat, his cape fresh and the crown on his head glittering in the fading sunlight. Tommy and Tubbo had braided his hair, and it hung behind him in a complicated weave. He looked regal, to the point where Nightmare had to actively remind himself that he had no desire to be in a government position.

Tubbo was next, dressed in heavy furs that hid his scars and broken horn. His hair was getting longer, falling in shaggy sheets on his face. Tommy was after him in his iconic red shirt and pants. He had even slapped a band aid over his nose for good measure.

Phil descended from a nearby roof, dressed in all green and his wings spread menacingly. He looked cold and aloof, his once bright eyes now icicles. Nightmare hid a shiver, Phil was scary like this. He gestured for the group to move forward and they entered the lobby. A hush spread over the crowd, making Nightmare nervous. He swept past important looking people with suits and tight dresses and briefcases, trying not to curl in on himself. Their attention was unnerving.

"Hello sir, welcome back," HBomb said, walking to greet them and bowing low in his butler outfit. His polished shoes clicked against the marble floors, the sound nearly drowning out the whispered conversations around them. Phil pulled him upright, a little bit of warmth invading his eyes.

"Please H, there's no reason for that."

"Not my choice sir."

Phil snorted and muttered something between a swear and a curse under his breath. Wilbur rolled his eyes and stepped up.

"Can we please stop whatever this is and go up?"

"Of course sir." HBomb swiped his card. A moment later, the elevator arrived and the whole group entered. The noise in the lobby had resumed it's normal range, but people still cast the family furtive looks. Nightmare wished he could glare back, but settled for crossing his arms.

"They don't like us," Nightmare muttered to Tommy, making the boy snort.

"Who does?"

"I did."

"You're weird."

Nightmare opened his mouth, ready with a clever retort, but Wilbur elbowed him.

"Drop it, both of you."

Nightmare glared at him, realized Wilbur couldn't see him, stuck out his tongue, realized Will still couldn't see, and ended up sulking in silence. Tommy gave him the finger and turned to talk with Tubbo about something. Wilbur smacked him in the back of the head.

The elevator shot up, dinging pleasantly for each floor passed. Nightmare felt physically ill as it kept dinging. How high up were they going?

Eventually, it ended and the door slid open. A beautiful meeting room sat before them with spinny chairs on wheels and a fancy glass table. Eret stood, her face alight with excitement. They wore a pencil skirt and blue blouse, their hair longer now and brushing their shoulders.

Sleepy Buddies [REWRITE] //DreamburWhere stories live. Discover now