Chapter 7- DreamWasTaken (by the Sleepy Boys)

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The first thing that registered in his mind was the light breathing. His body tensed slightly, his eyelids fluttering open. He took a small breath, sighing and snuggling against the warmth at his back. Dream had been taller than both of his previous boyfriends, but he supposed Wilbur overtook him in the height department. Dream snorted at the thought. Wilbur was also a lot more protective, Dream had noticed. The feeling was odd but not unwanted. It made Dream feel safe, something he had been lacking for a while.

Wilbur sniffled and groaned behind him, tugging him closer like a stuffed animal and making Dream squeak at the unexpected movement. Their legs were intertwined again, wrapped around each other in a tangled mess. His shoulder was stiff and sore, making him wince.

"Good evening, did you sleep well?"

Dream hummed his assent and managed to untangle himself, flipping over. He was nose to nose with Wilbur, his eyes meeting the others and his cheeks flushing. The little space between them was charged for a brief moment before Wilbur smiled and dug his face into Dream's chest.

"Sorry, but I'm not kissing you until you've brushed your teeth."

Dream chuckled loudly, putting his chin in the top of Wilbur's fluffy hair and staring at the window. Sunlight streamed through, it was very late in the day and the moon was probably beginning its ascent. Discombobulating, but, again, not unwelcome. He closed his eyes again, content to lie in bed with the arsonist.

His heart rate slowly dropped back to normal and Dream fell into a twilight of sorts. He could hear Wilbur's breathing, he could feel his fluffy hair tickling his cheek, and the sunlight skimmed his eyelashes. He wasn't asleep, but not quite sentient enough to be considered awake.

They stay like that for a long while, Dream could only guess how long in his relaxed state. Then, the door flew open with a loud bang and both men looked up to see Tommy and Tubbo. They stood side by side in the doorway, staring creepily at the two. Dream scrambled back a bit, feeling guilty, like he had just been caught committing a crime. He knew the feeling quite well by now. Wilbur yawned, pouting at Dream with his plump bottom lip jutted out.

"Awwww, why aren't you two screwing yet," Tommy complained, looking disappointed. Tubbo's expression went from blank to annoyed and scandalized. He backhanded Tommy's arm, glaring at him.

"Why the hell would you- never mind. Phil says breakfast is ready in a few minutes, come get it when you wanna."

Dream and Wilbur both burst into laughter. Dream wheezed like a tea kettle, covering his face and feeling embarrassed. Wilbur's laugh was higher and more amused. He shook his head and got up, pulling on a sweatshirt laying on the dresser.

"We'll be out in five," Wilbur assured them. Tubbo nodded and left, dragging Tommy with him and shouting at him for being tactless and unsensible. Dream got up as well, smiling lazily and combing his fingers through his hair. His knees were also sore, but not unbearably so. He made himself look somewhat presentable and walked into the kitchen. Phil dropped a steaming plate of eggs and bacon for him at the counter.

"Sorry about Tommy," he called over, making Dream snicker and wave him off.

"It's all good, he was just joking."

Phil raised a skeptical eyebrow and turned back around, making Dream stiffen.

"He was joking, right?"

Phil shrugged, dropping bread into a toaster and grabbing a jar of jelly from the fridge. "We never know."

Wilbur stumbled into the kitchen, a toothbrush hanging out of his mouth and his hair sopping wet. Dream gave him a concerned look and Phil wheezed from behind him.

Sleepy Buddies [REWRITE] //DreamburWhere stories live. Discover now