"You don't get to talk about them!" I hissed, my tears streaming down my face, remembering my loving and dotting mother. "Nor do you get to use them as an excuse for what you've done!"

"You may draw comfort knowing that your and Katerina's mother was not in the place that I was. She doens't know the torment of the other side." Esther nodded. "Though she was a traveler, she remained pure hearted and found peace."

Esther walked out when I heard a cock of a gun.

"Don't move!" Matt demanded.

"Where's Rosalie?!" Jeremy added.

"Jer?" I frowned.

"Let her go." Jeremy frowned.

"How foolish of you to risk your lives in defense of those who will kill you." Esther frowned. "But if that is your choice......"

Esther then rose her hands and used magic to move their weapons.

"Matt, Matt, drop your gun!" Jeremy panicked.

"I can't, I'm not controlling it!" Matt freaked just as bad.

"Esther! Stop it!" I demanded.

Out of nowhere Ric stabbed Esther, killing her. Finally.

Jeremy and Matt instantly dropped their weapons.

"Oh god." Ric panted. "Wh-where's my ring?"

Ric noticed the three of us looking at him in shock.

"Tell me what happened."

I nodded and took him back inside the tomb and told him everything. Jeremy then came in.

"Damon's here, and Klaus Esther's body." Jeremy informed. "He also told me to tell you he'd be back after he took care of it."

"Does he know about the stake?" Ric asked.

"No, only that she tried to turn you into a weapon and failed." Jeremy said then looked between Ric and I. "What's going on?"

"Listen, Jeremy." Ric sighed. "I'm not going to complete the transition. My darkside was dangerous enough as a human. I can't be a vampire."

"So, what, we're just going to lock you in here and let you die?" Jeremy forwned. Ric and I looked at him sadly. "No! No, we can't!"

"Listen, Jeremy, it's the right thing to do, okay?" Ric frowned. "After everything that's happened. After, after all that I've done..... maybe I had it coming."

"Don't say that." I frowned.

Jeremy then went to storm out.

"Hey, wait, Jer." I said making him stop then looked back to Ric. "Alaric, this isn't your fault."

"Please, you guys, let's not make this harder than it already is." Ric stated. "You two should go. Damon's here. He'll make sure it'll all go down the right way."

Jeremy went to walk out.

"Hey, hey." Ric said stepping forward.

"Don't." Jeremy frowned. "Just don't give me some crap speech about how I need to be the man of the house."

"Okay." Ric nodded then pulled Jeremy into a hug. "I won't."

Jeremy gave Ric a quick hug before storming out. I knew he had to deal with this in his own way. But this time I'd be there.

"This is all my fault." I cried. "If I had more power I could have stopped her, I could have found a solution to your alter ego."

"Don't do that." Ric shook his head and pulled me into a hug. "Don't blame yourself. You couldn't have stopped this no matter what. Just know, taking care of you and Jeremy, and being with Jenna, has been the closest thing to the life I've always wanted. I love you guys so much."

"We love you too, Ric." I sniffed.

"Tell Jenna how much I love her, okay?" Ric asked.

"Tell me yourself." Jenna said causing Ric and I to look at her.

"I'll let you guys be." I said, smiling sadly at Jenna.

"Hey," Ric said making me stop and look at him. "Don't give up on Klaus. You're meant for each other. Just make sure to at least give him a little bit of hell every once in a while."

I nodded tearing up before leaving. I walked out and saw Klaus walk towards us out of the woods as everyone else stood around too. Even Tyler and Bonnie.

Klaus looked at my sympathetically and opened his arms. I instantly ran into his arms, crying into his shoulder. It felt like I was loosing my father all over again.

Ric looked back at all of us and nodded before making eye contact with Klaus. "Take care of her."

Klaus nodded giving him a sympathetic smile.

Alric nodded, having tears in his eyes before giving Jenna one last kiss then went back in and closed the door of the Salvatore crypt as Jenna walked over to me, pulling me into a hug.

"Do you want to stay with us for the night?" I asked, not thinking she would want to go back to her and Rick's place alone.

"No, thank you." Jenna smiled sadly. "I should be there for Jeremy, I don't want to leave him alone with Elena, he might try to kill her."

"Yeah." I let out a breathy laugh, knowing she was trying to make light. But it was hard for all of us in this moment, "Be safe."

"You too."

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