46. Her Grand Finale

Start from the beginning

He didn't budge.

"I watched you leave the ballroom, Satine. How could you have known Berry was going to call the cops on Diana unless you heard everything? You were nowhere to be seen, there's no way you could have heard us and even if you had, why would you come up here pretending like you knew nothing about what she did?"

His fingers dug into her wrist keeping her glued to her spot.

"Okay, fine, I spoke to Berry after you left. After he told me everything, I came straight up to the roof to confront Dakota and make sure you were okay."

He was put off by the slight scoff emitting her frame.

She was lying.

Tapping into the darkness that welcomed him gladly, Taehyung took a step forward, forcing her back. "Dakota," he repeated slowly. "You use her name so casually; almost like you've used it a million times before. You knew from the beginning that she was lying about her identity and yet you never said anything."

"I was just doing what she asked." Satine refused to meet his eye. "She wanted a fresh start, I didn't see a problem with her changing her name."

Every word that passed her glossy red lips was paired with an unsettling laugh.

He had finally been blindsided.

"You seem awfully cheerful for someone whose best friend just died."

"Don't be ridiculous, Tae, I'm in shock."

Something wasn't right.

He was backing her into the corner now. "I don't believe you."

"Are you really grilling me right now? I'm not thinking straight, you just killed my friend."

"Satine, what aren't you telling me?" Taehyung's voice was low and steady as she awkwardly breathed out in disbelief.

"Nothing! You're just acting crazy."

"Satine, what the fuck did you do?"

She paused as her back hit the wall, her eyes watery as he preyed on her. Uncomfortable under his deadly stare, she wrapped her arms around herself, trying to warm up.

Once he gripped her cheeks to force her to look him head on, a pit formed in his stomach. It's funny what you can find once you're actually looking for it.

There it was, the darkness lingering behind those beautiful brown eyes - as clear as day.

"I loved you," Taehyung's words started soft, but his temper boiled over. "I fucking loved you!" He exclaimed, the veins in his hands protruding as he fisted them out of frustration.

The woman standing before him with a flurry of tears running down her cheeks suddenly froze like someone had access to a remote that controlled her emotions. In an instance, the air turned to ice and Satine's face dropped into an expressionless pit. She sighed, flicking one of the tears away like a diseased fly and she started stalking forward.

"See, that's the problem, baby," the way she pronounced each word was unnerving. Maybe it was the fact that she was talking through her teeth, or maybe it was because the French accent that he had once found so captivating had completely vanished.

Taehyung couldn't say anything for he was rendered speechless.

"Don't you see the problem with that little sentence of yours? No? Maybe I'll give you a few seconds to think it over, sweetheart." Cocking her head to the side, slowly but surely her eyes glanced down to the gun residing in her thigh brace.

Taehyung's lips parted but his words were barely comprehensible. "What the fuck is happening?"

"Well honey, let me put it plain and simple for ya. How is our relationship ever going to work when I love you and you loved me?" Her southern accent was clear as day, thick and penetrating with a slow drawl that meant there was no chance of misinterpretation.

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