Chapter Sixteen: The Would Be Queen

Start from the beginning

I want to say yes and give a sizzling story about the details but I won't. I can't get a rise out of these people I have worried and upset.

"Mother, if she did, is the wedding off? It's not like the Prince is a virgin-"

"Shut your mouth! We are in their home and we will behave ourselves!" She reprimanded Ellie.

"He won't even know!"

"He will." My mother countered. "Thalia, look at me. Did you sleep with Xanth?"

"No mother, I didn't get a chance to."

She sighed in relief.

"Damn it! No drama?" Ellie has gotten more openly defiant. Is it the absence of mother in her life? If the situation wasn't so dire I would be laughing.

"Ellie, she's not marrying just any nobility. We are talking about the crown prince! He will be king and he doesn't need a bratty little child making him look bad!" Nia argued.

We rarely agree but this makes much sense.

I'm not bratty and I'm not childish but my defiance has definitely defined me so. "I apologize for causing you this much worry mother. Don't worry, my curiosity over Xanth Hanniel has been extinguished."

It was curiosity but mother wouldn't want to hear it was love. That should be the term here henceforth. What is the point of loving a man who betrays me for the crown? I would betray the crown for him. This is painfully disappointing.

"Good. What you have is a privilege. Don't waste it because of your infatuation over General Hanniel's son. This is the Prince we are talking about!"

"He's a man. Come on mother! He shits like the rest of us!" Ellie flung her arms in the air.

Mother's jaw almost dropped to the floor. Yes, she has become unhinged especially in the brain to mouth filter section.

"Get out!" My mother told her. "Take your foul mouth back to Saine Neane!"

"You don't own this palace. You can't kick me out!" She challenged mother.

This has never happened before. She flipped her long curly black hair. My mother stared on completely helpless. I slipped my hand into hers. "Can you help me clean up? When the Prince comes in later I want to look decent."

She agreed to. I left my sister's arguing. That isn't new.

"I don't need your help. I'm sure servants will be assigned to do this. I just wanted to be alone with you to tell you how sorry I am for the trouble I have caused and the shame I have brought to this family. I am genuinely in love with Xanth but he doesn't feel the same way. He gave me up as soon as he was told that the Prince wants me back. I know what I must do and I will not shame you anymore."

She cupped my face. "If you don't want to marry him, I can't force you but there will be consequences. I don't know which ones but they won't be good Thalia. If you don't want to marry the Prince, it's okay. I love you more than I would want you to be part of the Royal Family. So tell me right now so that I take you home with me. Do you want to marry the Prince?"

No! Take me home please! We will fight the consequences together!

That is selfishness talking right there.

"He chose me and he did it without knowing the other 19. I will not take that for granted. The second highest power in Chea Niva wants me beside him. Besides, I want Daa Haan to be on the map once again for giving this kingdom a Queen like it gave Queen Lenaya." I smiled slightly but it faded fast. "I mean it when I say I'm taking responsibility. I love you too much to let you pay for my decisions."

She covered her face. She shed a few tears before she rapidly composed herself. She wrapped her arms around me. "I love you too little one. My final daughter. The Rose Palace will be so empty without you."

Now that made me cry.

Ellie and Nia came in and Ellie is crying too. "I'm so sorry mom. I'm hormonal." She wept.

"Not a period." Nia shook her head. "The other kind."

"You're pregnant! I'll have a grandchild!"

"I'll be an aunt! How fun!" Nia doesn't mean it. She doesn't like children.

I badly wanted Xanth to get me pregnant. I'm glad he didn't touch me. I had not thought that through. Ellie pregnant? No! Ellie a mother? Even more unbelievable.

"Ladies!" The Queen Mother's voice arrested our presence "Did someone die?"

"No." My mom wiped her tears and Ellie's as well. "She's pregnant."

"Thalia are you pregnant? Is it Reli's?" She questioned me with a horrified face.

"No Queen Mother. Not Thalia. Ellie."

"Oh." She sighed unenthusiastically. "Congratulations. I want to be left alone with her. The three of you can wait in the guest reception. You will be served as rooms are prepared for you to spend the night. Now out. Shoo!" She is literally pushing them out of the bathroom.

She closed the door and narrowed her eyes at me. "Your Majesty I apologize."

"Did you sleep with him?"


"No. You're boyfriend."


"Nothing happened? No kissing, no touching?" She questioned. I looked away. I heard her curse. "You need to be honest with Reli. Should he not want you anymore you will be dismissed and you can go home with the stench of dishonor and shame following you."

She opened the bathroom door. The servants came in. Two of them I don't know but one of them is Fay. She offered me a small smile but because of Queen Mother's glare I didn't dare return it.

"Clean her up, make her presentable to have dinner with the prince."

"Yes Your Majesty!" They all curtsied. I curtsied too as she left.

But my concern for Xanth troubles me. Will he be punished?

"Queen Mother!" I followed her.

"What is it?"

"He didn't know about the Prince chose me. I lied to him. As soon as he found out he gave me up to the Royal Guard. He hasn't done anything wrong. Please, pardon him."

"That is up to the Prince. My only business is to make sure you at least learn some decency before you shame yourself any further." She picked her kimono, draped it over her arm. "What you have is a golden opportunity. Take it or don't. But don't toy with my grandson's emotions or I will slay you where you stand."

I have upset The Prince and the Queen Mother. This needs to be rectified with haste if I'm to survive in this palace.

THE BLOOD ROYALS Book 1: The Enemy UnseenWhere stories live. Discover now