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If you're reading this, I'm probably dead.

Have you ever been in a bad situation and you knew how it will end? That bad eery feeling that you have met the brick wall and it is simply over. Have you ever been at the right place at the wrong time? Or is it the wrong place at the wrong time? Who cares! I never get this right anyway. The point is, I wasn't supposed to be there. There were consequences for being there and they came when I least expected it.

Having said this, let's begin at the very beginning of this story. Not the 'once upon  a time' kind of beginning. There's no far away land here but there are palaces and royalty!

My name is Thalia Zahai. Everyone calls me Lia. I thrive on being another face in the crowd. Every opportunity where I get to be invisible is taken without hesitance. I'm the daughter of a Dowager Duchess. She's a big deal here in Daa Haan. She's their little queen. It makes it harder for me to be invisible but thanks to my two exceptional older sisters who are show stoppers, it is indeed possible be invisible. Nothing about me stands out. I'm not special and I'm not gifted. I'm simply someone who knows how to survive. My two older sisters took all the beauty genes and left me with the intellectual and curiosity genes; two things that often get me in trouble. My curiosity is the reason there will be no further entry after this one. This is the entry that counts.

Let's start on the day my life stopped being insignificant. Yes, it's a good place to start.

It started with an invitation.

THE BLOOD ROYALS Book 1: The Enemy UnseenWhere stories live. Discover now