IMPORTANT!!! Author's Note: Description of the book

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Hello readers! Notice the crudely drawn map above 😂

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Hello readers! Notice the crudely drawn map above 😂

The thing is a story -especially an epic one- can make sense in my mind but not yours. That map helps you guys to see the placement of the places I keep mentioning.

Just an over view. Please Note that the kingdom is fictional. The story is fictional. The characters are fictional. Nothing about the culture or traditions or laws are based on any existing places. Everything is FICTIONAL.

That said, you may wonder (especially those of you who met the Prince in the Lovers Series) how this works because the prince existed in real places like London, Bali etc.

I'll use this example. For those who are familiar with MCU or Marvel Cinematic Universe, you have watched characters like Black Panther or Thor. Wakanda does not exist in real life. Asgard does not exist on real life. These are fictional places with fictional characters who co-exist with what is real. For example they visited New York at some point. Do you notice the coexistence of fictional and non fictional places in this form of genre?

That's what I'm attempting here. All the places, people and traditions are fictional. You'll never trave to Chea Niva unless you're in Wattpad reading this book. That much clear? Right? Of no, tell me to clarify further. It's not a bother I'm open to questions because you only enjoy a book if you understand it, right?

I want to further compare Chea Niva to a place like the USA. Regardless of where we come from as individuals we have heard about America and how it has states like Washington, California and Texas. Each state has it's own written constitution but cumulatively, they have a president who rules the whole country.

Chea Niva (that is the name of our fictional kingdom) has duchies. Duchies are ruled by a Duke and a Duchess. We have four:

Daa Haan
Sain Neane

Carperia is the capital of Chea Niva. It's where the royal family rules from and it is not a duchy. There are only 4 duchies mentioned above.

Two other places mentioned have stories behind them. Cray Thera and The Chrystal Isles. I won't be getting into their background stories in this book but they are not duchies.

The four duchies have their own rules personalized for their subjects but they ultimately answer to the King. He rules everything in general.

The King also has Generals and in each duchy, there is a general. I'll get into that as the story progresses. An example is General Who lives in Sain Neane. He is not the ruler of Sain Neane. He is not royalty. He is just a General and he answers to the king even if he manages a number of soldiers. It's still the king's army and not the General's army. He just leads it.

Chea Niva is not a democratic nation. It is an absolute monarchy. The royal family rules in a firm way.

Given this is a fictional story, I'm twitching things here and there to make it unique. I don't want this to be another kingdom with kings and queens. No. I want you guys to think of this place and feel it's different. That's what I want.

It helps not to compare these fictional places to existing ones. It's not the same. It helps not to overthink. Get the overview and leave the overthinking to me. I'll worry about the details so that you guys can focus on the story.

Now one more matter .

Is Prince Relian the same guy in the Lovers Series?


I'll still explain the name change. It's a fictional place. I don't want to tie the kingdom to India or the middle east or anything else. I want a whole new place that is made up and original so that I can make the rules without disrespecting or getting facts about existing cultures wrong. His name for a while was Ajay Khan. That was confusing. I was repeatedly asked if he's Indian or Arab and how the name feels wrong. See why I want to avoid a specific culture? I don't want to get things wrong and I don't want to be confined to what already exists. It feels like my mind is imprisoned and limited and i like to be really free in my imagination. So, I changed it to Rami. And still it wasn't working. So now I picked his current name in this book.

Does a name change mean that he is different from the guy in the Lovers Series and now everything changes? No. He's the same character but now we see him in his space, where he belongs. As I mentioned in the author's not at the very beginning, I won't revisit scenes from the lovers series with only one exception. How he met Renee. Those who don't know what the lovers series is or who renee is don't worry. All you need to know will be mentioned here. So guys no, i won't be adding scenes of the lovers series to this book.

Lastly, most of you started reading and expected to find Renee from chapter one. If you're one of these readers, you're wondering if the story has changed and it's no longer Renee but Thalia. It hasn't changed. Thalia dies in this book, she already said so. The question is how? What events occurred to cause her death? That is what the story is explaining as we meet new characters and learn of new places because we won't be doing introductions when Renee becomes a main character. She does not show up until the end of the book. So, Renee fans, be still be patient, your reward is coming.

Any more questions?

Please, please ask me.

There are no silly questions! What is simple in my mind may not be so in yours or another reader so ask! Ask! Ask!

I want you guys to understand the book. Don't suffer in silence. If you're afraid to comment here, private message me. I think I do my best to answer all questions. If I miss it, ask it again. Okay?

Lots of love and hopefully we can proceed without confusion.

THE BLOOD ROYALS Book 1: The Enemy Unseenحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن