Untitled Part 4

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Hana was relieved to have a day to herself. No work, no plans, just a leisure day. She loved her friends! But sometimes she could use a little 'me' time.

This part of town was unfamiliar to her, but she'd heard about a cozy new cafe that had recently opened and was excited to check it out.

She was focused more on her phone then her surroundings, watching her location as it got closer to her destination. She would soon come to regret not paying more attention.

Suddenly, she felt hands latch onto her and shove her into the alleyway she'd been passing. Her hands automatically put her phone into her pocket the moment she recovered from the rough treatment, looking up to see who pushed her.

A man in a dark sweatshirt with the hood pulled up and a mask over his face stood before her, blocking the exit and brandishing a knife. She was frozen in fear, wanting to scream for help, but fearing the consequences of doing so.

He stared her down for a minute or two, seemingly daring her to try something, before speaking in a gruff voice.

"Gimme that purse. Now."

She was too afraid to move, trembling. She had more than just money in her purse; there were important things in there, like her inhaler which she knew she'd need in a moment, considering how rapid her breathing was becoming, or her daily planner, the only place she'd written certain information down. She needed to keep them, but didn't think reaching into her bag to pull out just her wallet would go over well with this guy.

He was growing obviously impatient and gestured to her purse with the knife.

"Give it, you dumb bitch, you wanna die?" He growled.

She started to cry, slowly taking it off her shoulder, when suddenly the man grunted.

Hana gasped, clutching her purse to her chest as she looked up, seeing the man being restrained by someone wearing blue.

The new man had her attacker in a half Nelson hold, his right hand tightly gripping the guy's wrist, twisting it in a way that must have been at least very uncomfortable, until the criminal released his grip on the knife.

"Fuck, fine! I'll go! Let go!" He yelled, tossing the knife out of his hand. Once it clattered to the ground, the man in blue kicked it a safe distance before throwing the other out of the alley. Once he regained his footing, he ran off.

Hana was breathing frantically as this new man turned to her, approaching slowly.

"Are you alright?" He asked, reaching out. "Did he hurt-"

"Don't touch me! Stay away!" She screamed, still in panic mode.

He froze, then nodded slowly, retreating to the mouth of the alley, stepping aside and giving her room to leave, which she did in a rush.

She speed walked a couple of blocks, whipping out her inhaler and using it twice before slowing to a walk, then pausing.

That man, the one in blue... She'd been too distraught to notice at the time, but thinking back, he looked awful. His face was bruised and bloody, and he'd clearly been crying. He'd been kind enough to intervene and protect her, despite whatever troubles he had, and the fact that he could have gotten hurt.

She felt guilty leaving the way she had. The least she could do was to ask if he was okay. Maybe she could get him to talk about what was wrong, maybe she could even help him in return!

Resolute in her decision, Hana walked back to the alley hoping he would still be nearby.

Her determined steps faltered as she approached, hearing noises coming from the alley. Grunts and gasps and unmistakable sobbing. She slowly got closer, peering around the corner.

She saw the man in blue, on his knees and hunched over, his arms moving together then jolting apart. She could hear whimpers mixed in with the sobs.

She walked towards him slowly.

"Excuse me, are you okay?"

He whipped his head around. Tears were streaming down his face. Once recognition showed in his eyes, he turned away from her.

"Go away..." he said, just loud enough for her to hear.

"What are you doing?" She asked, stepping closer.

"Go away," he repeated, more firmly.

She crept closer, which he must have heard, because he hunched over further and screamed "Go away!"

Finally, Hana got close enough and gasped at what she saw.

In one trembling hand, he held a knife, the one her assailant had dropped, while the other arm was cut to hell, so much blood she couldn't even see how many cuts there were.

"Oh G-God!" She screamed. "I, I need to call an ambul-"

"No! Just go away! Leave me alone!"

She felt herself panicking again.

"But you-"

"Leave! Me! Alone!" He sobbed, dropping the knife and covering his eyes. "Please! Just go away!"

Hana was at a loss, so she simply murmured "O-okay," and left.

When she was sure he couldn't hear her, she took out her phone. She'd never had to dial 119 before, and prayed she'd never have to again.

She explained the situation to the operator, and agreed to stay on the line until they got there so she could lead them to the right alley.

Once they arrived, she gave the story again while she hurried them to where she left the man.

They found him lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood. The tears finally broke in her eyes. He could barely respond to the paramedics, mumbled replies too weak to be heard clearly.

They applied first aid before lifting him onto the stretcher, preparing to load him into the ambulance.

"Why?" He said quietly, glaring at Hana to the best of his ability.

"Wh- I should be asking you that!" She cried.

His expression turned pained, and he looked away, managing a soft "I can't live with him hating me," before he passed out.

Hearing that was heartbreaking, even if she didn't know the situation. She decided then to accompany him, ensuring that if- when he woke up, someone would be there for him.

How Deep Is Your Hate {Iromatsu}Where stories live. Discover now