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Ayra rai Singhania:

A sweet bubbly girl, who wants nothing but love! her dad has always been her role model in everything but this is also a truth that he never loved her nor showed any affection towards her... she had everything yet she felt so empty when she sees the families around her... only she knows how much she has craved for a perfect family. (whom do you remember hearing her intro??)

"believe in God, you don't know what he has stored for you in the rest of the journey"

"believe in God, you don't know what he has stored for you in the rest of the journey"

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Vedant Vasisht:

a true greek god, hot as hell and dream of every girl but his dream consist of only one person and that is "Ayra" he is obsessed and can do anything for her. a true believer in karma and is in a journey to find something that he has been searching for years! he is ignited by the revenge of something he is really not known to, his destiny is tangled to ayra in such a way that he is stuck between love and hatred~

"Realize that everything connects to everything else"

"Realize that everything connects to everything else"

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Vansh Rai Singhania:-

he is hot as hell like always but nothing is normal like before! he has lost every happiness in life or say has now no interest in this so-called life he is living... he is a mafia, not at all a family man, hates his wife, loves none! his world is dark and lonely. the present king of jaipur. 

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