Chapter Fifteen: The Hunt Part 4

Start from the beginning

I thought of switching on my phone when I came across it in the draw but chose to have one more silent night. Lia is here. It's a special night.

"Hey." She is limping and unable to put any weight on the foot. "Maybe we should bandage it up."

I left the ingredients simmering and tended to her foot.

She sat on the sofa I mostly avoid, right in front of the fire. I want to tell her to move but she seems comfortable. I sat on the sofa without much of a choice. It feels strange.

"Do you want to tell me why you were running around without shoes?"

"I escaped Carperia." She informed me. "I would up in Ebrium and finally crossed into Saine Neane but I was spotted by some guards... my mother's guards."

"Why is your mother chasing you?" I asked.

"Because I escaped the competition to be the Prince's trophy. She wants to please the crown and get me back. I don't want to go back." I began to bandage the leg. I have some friends who are guards at the palace. They always tell me big news but I haven't heard anything because I have been off the grid.  

"You escaped the palace. How?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

"Sheer luck. Some guard slacked off and I took the opportunity." I set her leg on a pillow so that she's comfortable.

"I still find that hard to believe. The Royal Guard don't slack off."

"Is this an interrogation? Do you know what I have been through just to get to you Xanth? I beat up a girl in Ebrium! I swam in a lake with water so cold my heart could have frozen from the inside and you're going to interrogate me?"

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to sound unappreciative or upset you." I took her hands. "I'm happy you're here with me."

She is agitated. Studying her eyes shows me someone different. She's scared of something. I don't think she's being honest but I won't antagonize her any further.

She inched closer to my lips and she kissed me. I accepted the light unsure embrace and fortified it further when I gently pushed her down and kissed her with certainty.

I have known Thalia since she was selected to train in the Navy. People are placed randomly either in the Navy, Army or Air force. Unless a General puts in a word for a person, you go where you are assigned. I was assigned to the Air Force but my father personally spoke to the King and he granted a favor that I join the Army. The basic training is three years. After that if the recruiters notice that a particular cadette is exceptional, they recommend a higher training. I went through higher training and along the way, I met the Prince. Our encounters haven't always been friendly.

Thalia was exceptional and she ended up in my group of recruits at the Navy. I took notice of her then but an officer and a recruit have no business with each other. It's a punishable offense.

"Xanth," she smiled against my lips as we paused with our breaths close. "I love you."

I pushed away the dark hair. Her eyes smiled at me. "I love you too."

"Then let's make sure they can't take me from you."

"The only way is to marry you."

"Then let's elope first thing tomorrow morning." She suggested.

"No." I left her to turn off the stove. The soup needs to sit a little more.

"Why not?" She called out to me.

I'm tempted to switch on my phone. I want to know if the crown is looking for her. Part of me doesn't want to find out. I would rather not know.

"Because you are nobility. Eloping is for commoners like me. You deserve to be treated in a higher way. I can't elope with you. I want to do it properly. I want to ask your mother-"

THE BLOOD ROYALS Book 1: The Enemy UnseenWhere stories live. Discover now