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Avenelle was still embarrassingly shaken up from her humiliating reaction to the large crowd of the concert of the band she still didn't know the name of, so Krist volunteered to drive.

Kurt clarified that he was in no way discriminating against the car (which he also clarified he found 'totally sick'), but he had smoked a little before the show and if he managed to crash this car he would hate himself forever.

So Krist sat in the drivers seat while Avenelle sat passenger to help him in working all of the doohickeys that come with an old ass car. Kurt happily sprawled himself out in the back and stared out of the window.

Krist knew his way and drove with little struggle to a dingy yet inviting diner that was basically a ghost town. Kurt seemed to be entirely honest in his previous declarations of hunger, because he had leapt out of the car before we had even fully parked and skipped inside.

He gave a small wave to some of the staff and lead Krist and Avenelle to a table in the corner with windows lining the wall. The diner seemed to be a punk hotspot, what with the rock posters and carved-to-hell tables.

Kurt noticed her eyes wandering the many words and pictures forever etched into the wooden tables and reached his hand out subtly in her view to get her attention. When she looked up at him, he pointed to a certain spot on the table, which upon further inspection was the spot where Kurt and Krist had carved their own names.

Kurt raised his eyebrows as if asking her if she'd like to take part. She looked straight into his eyes and gave no answer whatsoever. He pulled the steak knife out of his poorly wrapped silverware and decided he would do it for her.

What had before read KURT + KRIST now read KURT + KRIST + ELLE. All three names were written in the same scratchy, uppercase style that much of the lettering in this place was in.

"What can I help you with?" A bored looking waitress asked, giving Avenelle a look reminiscent of the one she had given the clerk at the makeup place earlier. I mean, they did use the same hair dye.

"Just give us the best of the best, it's alright." Kurt said in a strong and almost mocking tone. He sounded like a normal citizen of Aberdeen, a selfish and confident man.

"Potheads." She muttered to herself as she walked away, clearly used to their dumbass stunts.

Krist and Avenelle laughed their asses off while Kurt feigned shock and pretended to be offended. Kurt was usually a people pleaser when he smoked pot, that or a total fucking sob fest.

Kurt leaned over and almost fell out of his chair, maintaining eye contact with Avenelle while he did.

"When did you do that to your hair?" He asked her in a child like manner.

"Like two hours before the show." She answered.

"Damn, you were dedicated." Krist said.

"And look where that got me." She joked.

"Shows like that aren't always so shitty. That Frank guy is a total douche and so are all of the pricks that go there. They're all stuck so far up that bands ass." Krist seemed to assure her a lot.

SOAKED IN BLEACH - K.C.Where stories live. Discover now