They're yours

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"Mr Lee?"

"Mr Bang." Minho waved him in.

"I'm gonna send you over some emails to respond to. I'm not really qualified to handle them so they're on your hands."

Minho nodded and Chan began waking out.

"Hey uh Chan!"

Chan turned around, keeping his hand on the door handle.

"Is it alright if I drop off all of Jisungs stuff either tonight or tomorrow. I'm assuming he's been wanting it back so."

"Ya that's fine. Just text me when you get there so I can come help you."

"Alright. Also, can you ask him what he wants me to do with the dishes and the car and the furniture and the uh... house payments?"

"Ya I'll talk to him and let you know."

"K thanks."

Chan nodded and went back to his office.

~Jisungs college~

Jisung walked around the campus, going to each class pretty dazed. He barely payed attention in any of them. He was still thinking about the day before.

Why did I kiss him? And why did he kiss me? I still have so much to say to him. I should've said thank you or that I loved him too then maybe we would've been able to try again. But he also told me to move on. He wants me to be happy. But without him? I thought he said he loved me.



"Are you ok?" Hyunjin asked.

"Ya. Ya just... thinking."

"About what?"

"It doesn't matter. Anyways what were you saying?"

"I was wondering if Chan would be ok with me coming over for a bit?"

"Oh, ya that should be fine."

"Are you sure? You don't need to text him or anything?"

"No it's fine."

"Ok. Should we get going then?"


Jisung followed Hyunjin to the parking lot and they started their drive to Chan's.

"You know, I'm here if you ever need to talk."

"Ya I know." Jisung said quietly.

"Are you sure you're doing ok? Did something else happen with Minho."

Everything hat occurred last night replayed in Jisungs head once again.

In response he shook his head.

Hyunjin shrugged. He knew something had happened he just didn't know what. But he also didn't wanna pressure Jisung into telling him. Realistically it's none of his business.

When they arrived at Chan's house they went inside and just chilled in Jisungs room for a few hours.

Chan was in the kitchen getting the ingredients ready for dinner while Felix was in the living room vacuuming.

"Hey babe!" Felix yelled as he unplugged the vacuum.

"What's up Lix!"

"Minho's here!"

"Oh shit!" He checked his phone and saw that Minho had texted him 10 minutes ago saying he was on his way. "One sec!" Chan quickly washed his hands and dried them on his jeans as he ran out the door.

"Hey Minho. Sorry I didn't see your text I was making dinner."

"You're good," he opened the back of his car, "This is all of his stuff. Did you know what he wants me to do with the other stuff we talked about?"

"No I haven't talked to him yet. He's been in his room with his friend since he got home."

"Oh ok well can you just talk to him soon please?"

"Ya for sure. I'll let you know by tomorrow."

"Alright thanks."

They started taking boxes in and leaving them in the living room.

~Jisungs room~

"You wanna come over to my place tonight?"

"Sure, why not."

"Ok we should probably leave then. I wanna get dinner at the campus."

"Ok let me pack real quick."

Jisung packed a bag and they went outside to hyunjins car.

Hyunjin noticed Minho's car I. The driveway and mentally cursed himself for wanting to leave right then.

"Hey uh we can actually stay here a little longer if you want." Hyunjin said, trying to avoid the two meeting again.

"Not it's ok." By this time Jisung had already opened the door and started walking to the car. That's when he finally noticed Minho.

At first a wave of happiness washed over him. Then he remembered what they were. Or rather what they weren't. Sometimes he forgot.

Minho sent a little wave to him as He walked to Hyunjins car. Seeing his face, he remembered he had something to give Jisung.

"Hey! Ji!"

Jisung turned around as he heard name.

"Here. These are for you." Minho handed him an envelope.

Jisung took the envelope and looked up at Minho.

"Y-you don't wanna keep these?"

"I bought them for you. They're yours."

"Thank you Minho." Jisung bowed and got in the car.

Hyunjin got in the car shortly after him.

"Hey, uh you wanna go to Hawaii with me in February?"

How was I so BLIND///HyunsungWhere stories live. Discover now