I'm sorry Jisung

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Jisung woke up the next day and went to school as usual. It was a pretty normal day that he spent doing his normal things. Everything was pretty ok. He still felt sad but his friends were there to help distract him from the pain. Hyunjin pulled into the drive way to Chan's house and waved Jisung goodbye. Jisung went inside and immediately went to change in to more comfortable clothes. He opened his bag but there was nothing but his school uniforms and other more dressy things.

Damn. I kinda don't wanna do laundry right now. Minho should be at work. He was yesterday. I'll go and pick up some things that'll be easy to carry by myself.

Jisung slipped his shoes back on and began his walk to Minho's. When he got there the garage was open and the car was gone, giving Jisung the conformation that Minho was in fact gone and it would be ok to go inside. He went straight to his old room and grabbed a pile of his clothes, throwing them in to a bag along with some of his jewelry. He left the things he'd gotten from Minho, not wanting that reminder.

I can probably grab a few more things.

With this thought in mind he went straight to under the bed. That's where he kept a lot of his stuff since he didn't know what to do with it. He pulled out a box or two and stacked them so they'd be easier to carry back to Chan's house.

When he stood up he felt a presence behind him. A familiar one at that. He slowly turned around and was met with Minho's face, inches from his.

They stared at each other for a moment. Without thinking they both closed the gap between them, pressing their lips together.

When Jisung finally realized what was happening he stepped back abruptly.

"I-I should leave now." Jisung picked up his stuff and turned to leave but was stopped by Minho grabbing his arm.

"Jisung. I'm sorry. Can we please talk?"

"Minho I need to go."

"Please Jisung. Just listen to me this once."

"What is there to listen to Minho!? What are you gonna tell me!? You're sorry for cheating?! You're sorry for never being there for me?! You're sorry for being shit boyfriend?!"

"Yes Jisung! That exactly what I wanna tell you! I'm sorry for all the shit I put you through! I'm sorry for not communicating and instead being selfish! I'm not asking for you back! I know I'm not gonna get that! Just please! For my sake and yours, just let me apologize!"

"Fine Minho! Apologize and then I'm fucking leaving! And just keep my shit! I don't even want it!"

Minho went silent. He was trying to think of how to put his thoughts into words that made sense.

"Jisung. I'm sorry. For everything. I'm not looking for any type of sympathy because I know what I did was wrong. I want you to move on. Don't think about me. Find someone else and be happy. Don't come back to me please. We'll both do something we'll regret. I just want you to be happy Jisung. I love you, I really do. But I fucked it up. I need to face the consequences not you. You're done with me and I know that. I put you through absolute hell. I'm sorry Jisung. And... I love you."

Jisung took in what he said. Without saying a word, he left with only his bag in his hand.

You're right Minho. I am done with you. But. I love you too.

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