Passing the Time

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Jisung flopped himself out of bed at around 3 in the afternoon and took a shower even though he had no plans for the day. As he showered his thoughts ran wild. Really trying to comprehend everything that's happened.

Why? He could've just broken up with me. Told me he found someone else. I'd rather him be straight forward. Not go behind my back. Did I do something wrong? Why wasn't I good enough? What did I do that was so bad?

After some time he got out of the shower and headed to the kitchen to get some food.

"Hey Jisung." Chan said from the couch.

"Hey Chan." Jisung waved.

"You doing alright?"

"Ya. A little better at least"

"That's good. Oh umm I don't mean to pressure you or anything, but what are you gonna do about the house and the car?"

"He can have both. I was planning on going to get some of my stuff while he's at work tomorrow."

"Don't you have school?"

"Ya but I get out before he gets off."

"Oh ok well let me know if you need any help."

"Ok thank you."

Jisung grabbed his food and went up to his room. The day went by pretty fast. He passed time by FaceTimeing Hyunjin and watching anime. He would've watched dramas but he wouldn't have been able to enjoy it fully given everything that's happened.

He was able to keep his mind off Minho for most the day and fell asleep peacefully for the first time in a while.

~Minho's house~

I'm so stupid. Maybe we can try again. Some day. After everything dies down. Once I explain. Explain what tho? Why I did it? I don't even know why.

Minho was terrified for the future. He didn't know if Jisung would give him another chance or not. He was hoping he would. There was one problem however. This wasn't the first time they'd broken up. This is actually the 3rd. Minho knew his chances were low but he still wanted to try.

He got up and got ready, dressing in casual clothes that were simple and easy to put on. He made himself some food for the first time since everything happened and made his way to Chan's.

How was I so BLIND///HyunsungWhere stories live. Discover now