He knows im here now

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Jisung heard a knock on the door that startled him awake. It was late and Chan and Felix were already asleep so he slowly made his way to the front door to see who it was. Without thinking too much about it, he opened the door slowly, peaking out through the crack. The figure that stood was familiar. Examining it through tired eyes he made his way to the the figures face.

"Jisung I-"

He shut the door before they could say anything else. He leaned against the door not knowing what to do.

He's here. And Chan's asleep. What do I do? He knows I'm here now.

"Jisung please can we talk."

He felt tears fall from his eyes. The voice he missed so much made him upset, now that he finally heard it. He wanted to hide. But he also wanted to run to him. He wanted Minho to hold him the way he used to. He missed him.

Jisung slowly opened the door again. Minho reached for Jisungs hand but he pulled away quickly.

"Minho." Jisung started, looking into his eyes. So pretty. "I don't wanna talk right now." Jisung calmly went back inside, closing and locking the door behind him.

He went back up to his room and cried. He cried because he missed Minho. He cried because he was mad. He felt betrayed. He felt hurt. But he wanted him back. He cried and cried until the pain went away long enough for him to fall asleep.

~Outside Chan's house~

Minho stood outside in front of the closed door. He stood there for a while, reflecting on what happened, before finally leaving.

Well. I know I tried.

He planned on going home but instead thought a nice long drive would be better. He didn't wanna go home with all of Jisungs stuff there. It reminded Minho that Jisung wasn't there. And wasn't planning on coming back.

Minho started his drive with no destination in mind. He drove in silence for a while. Thinking back on their relationship. He wasn't that great to Jisung if he's being honest. He started his company and Jisung supported him through everything. Even when he wasn't home for multiple days due to business trips. Even when he wasn't home till really late due to paperwork and emails. He was there for him through it all.




"What should I name the company?"

"Ohh I've been thinking about this for a while," Jisung started ecstatically, "Lee Inc," Jisung stood up, adding hand motions to make more of a dramatic affect.

"I like that but it seems generic." Minho was seemingly emotionless which made Jisung think he was upset.

Jisung sat down timidly, "oh ok. Sorry."

Minho ignored him and continued filling out paperwork. A few hours had passed and Jisung was making dinner while Minho was still working.

Jisung brought Minho his dinner, setting it on the table next to him. Jisung then took his place across from the other. They ate in silence. They usually did. Minho's been so busy with getting his company started that they haven't had time to spend with each other. Jisung tried to help him as much as possible but felt like he wasn't really helping at all. Minho usually ignored his ideas but he didn't mind. He knew that he just wanted everything to be perfect. And, to be fair, most of Jisungs ideas were pretty silly or cliche. Several minutes passed before they were both done. Minho finished before Jisung and left to their room after putting his dishes away. Jisung was used to this. He sat and ate by himself enjoying what he had made. When he got done he cleaned up and went to bed. By that time Minho was already asleep. Jisung lied down on his side of the bed. As soon as Minho felt his presence he wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him close.

"Goodnight Sungs." Minho said groggily.

"Goodnight Min." Jisung replied, softly rubbing Minho's arm.

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