Chapter 6.2: Legends Speak Of Fish And Fae Alike

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Dream's coat was draped over his shoulders, matching well with the crown resting atop his perfectly waved hair. The chill in the air was oddly inviting, making him want to roam the roads of Diamond for countless hours and let the sweet, crisp air caress his face properly. If only he had a moment alone while wandering, in an area left isolated from other humans. Maybe eventually he'll get the chance to take his mask off and let the wind tickle his eyelashes, feel snowflakes or droplets of its rain fall upon his face. He would take anything their angels would have to offer.

But for now, the presence of the angel next to him would suffice.

They were trotting slowly along a more remote dirt path, winding through the trees. As they rode deeper, the dirt road grew sparse and gave way to clusters of wild grass, a sign of lack of use. Dream knew that they were heading to a river, but he never got clarification on how long their short journey would take. Of course, he dared not complain. Glancing over to his right and seeing the brunette with a faraway look in his eyes made him never want to leave the forest.

The only sounds apart from that of quiet hooves against dirt was the unseen crickets and ruffling of leaves, and he wouldn't have it any other way.

"It doesn't seem like people come out here often," Dream noted absentmindedly, cutting through their silence when he decided he wanted to hear George's voice again.

"I suppose not. It's off bounds to the public, since this section of the forest is sacred," the angel replied, sounding distracted. Although his body was there next to him, Dream knew that his mind was elsewhere.

"Sacred?" Dream asked curiously. Surely he wouldn't be entrusted to walk through a nation's holy land on his very first visit.

"Well, not quite," George corrected. His tone shifted as he was brought back out of his head. "It's spiritual in its own right. Some legends claim that fae reside in these forests, and the cod in the river nearby are quoted to have gold scales. It's really just a sentimental place for the Davidsons. Generations after generations, we've felt connected to this place. I for one just think it's pretty."

"I'd have to agree with you there. You fit right in," Dream said with a small grin. His heart warmed when he saw the pink bloom in the younger man's cheeks. When he noticed that the prince wasn't going to respond to that, he probed another question.

"Do you believe the legends? The magic?"

George seemed to think about that one, his gaze straight ahead lowering as he considered the question. He let out a contemplative hum.

"I think there are some things we just won't know until we see it. Rather than a question of whether or not people believe in fairytales, it might be more productive to consider why these stories exist."

"I would say it gives people hope," Dream suggested. "The belief that there is something higher than them, and there are beings that humanity can never fully comprehend."

"Maybe there are beings that can never comprehend us," George countered. "Maybe we're nothing but stories to them."

"If so, why would they hide?"

"Maybe those stories aren't any good."

A tense silence washed over them as the weight of those words sunk in.

"Humanity can be cruel," the King agreed. "Ruthless, greedy."

"That's rather cynical. It's not all bad," George said with a click of his tongue.

"I suppose not. But we were born sinful, right? Flawed. It's in our nature to give in to our impulses. Eat, breed, sleep. We're taught to control these impulses. We're nurtured to be good, but by nature, we are terrible."

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