chapter 10

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Now taehyung had prepared everything to go to moral Realm.....

Goddess:tae all the best.. please be safe..

Taehyung: don't worry goddess..I will be safe..

Then taehyung disappeared from there....

Now tae is in the find his kook...
Taehyung had joined in kook's a new student....

And also let me say goddess had done a magic which make kook forget the kook don't know about taehyung or sky kingdom... Don't feel sad ok ..she did it for guys will know it soon...

In the classroom..

Teacher;so everybody...we have a new student... let's welcome him..... please come in..

Then a handsome guy came in...the whole class was shocked by his handsome face....

the whole class was shocked by his handsome face

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

Teacher: please introduce yourself..

Taehyung:my name is taehyung... nice to meet you all..

Everyone got heartattack by hearing his cold voice...(who would not 😵😏)

Teacher: okey now you can go and sit next to jungkook... jungkook please raise your hands..

Jungkook raised his hands and tae gone and sit next to jungkook..

Taehyung was happy....that he got next to jungkook...I mean his jungkook 😌😉

Then teacher started class...

And I forgot to say one thing that now kook is 17 years old....that years passed....💕💕..


Please vote and comment me also follow 😌😉
And sorry for the short chapter 😐

Please vote and comment me also follow 😌😉And sorry for the short chapter 😐

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

My new story... everyone go and read if you like it just vote💕😉

The cold hearted king and The Bunny Boy||TK||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat