Chapter 4

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Like this their life gone...kookie live in palace like a princess (Prince)..And tae in that cold cave....

One day the big war happen...

 One day the big war happen

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On that war tae's appa aks the king died even though he defeated the demon's

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On that war tae's appa aks the king died even though he defeated the demon's...

As the queen heard the king is no more...she became heart broken..and it lead her into a paralyzed state....

Now the king is dead and the the queen is sick so ...Yes ofcourse...tae has to be the next king 👑...
And now they released tae.....tae was happy..
There were a person who is suffering because of this sudden tragedy...
Yes..kook was really broken 💔

Tae entered the palace with hate, angry, revenge.....he took a deep breath and walked to his room...tears started to come in his eyes..the old memories started to come to his mind...but before the tear came out he quickly stoped it....
That's when he saw a new person....

Taehyung:(deep ass voice) Wait there....who are you?

Kook flinched a little because of a sudden deep voice...his voice give him shivers  through his body...he slowly looked at the person...

Kookie:I jungkook..

Taehyung:(rude)I don't care who you are .. what are you doing here?

Kookie:I am ....

Before he can complete suddenly the queen called kook....
So he run to her leaving taehyung angry 💢..

And like this their life gone..kook was leaving in a hell by now....he don't have anyone now...tae always scold him..and sacre him with his death glare.......tae was ultra rude to him...

Kook never come out of his room because of taehyung.....he is scared....

Now kook become a silent boy ...he always go to queen and take care of her....and about tae he didn't let any one come to his room...he only let the servents which took care of him at the cold cave to  come to his room....

And tomorrow is the day were taehyung going to be the king 👑💜


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The cold hearted king and The Bunny Boy||TK||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt