something pt 3

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when will I stop having doubts in love.

when will I experience a feeling of comfort from the one I love most.

when will my prayers and wishes of having the best love come true,

oh how I've waited,

everytime I think that they are the one,
they prove me once again of how I am always unloved.

I have given up, I have given up being inlove when the only ending we have is a break up, a fight or a misunderstanding that never gets solved

I am simply done with all the times I tried again and again to feel something,
to have someone,
to be loved by someone,

oh to whoever it is, the creator of the universe, holy spirit's, God, I ask you one more time, please calm my desperation and bad luck, please let me feel how it feels to be loved properly and to have someone hold on to you, chase you, love you everyday and Never let you go,

I pray to feel those feelings, as all I've felt is heartbreak...

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