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°November 15, 2021°
°1:56 pm°
°HYBE Building°

"So, you need help?"


"For Scar's birthday?"




"Well, why are you so shy about it anyways?" Seungcheol leaned back on his chair, his group and BTS agreeing beside him. "You guys literally ask us everytime when one of you has a birthday"

"It's different" Yeonbim mutters.

Namjoon snickered. "Yeah, and you prank us every month"

"So, what does Scar like anyways?" Jihoon asks.

"Tigers" Nate answers.

At that, Soonyoung perked up. "I'm setting up the decorations!!!"

Jun, Jihoon and Wonwoo facepalmed.

"Wait, wasn't it bears?" Eunjoon asked the other teens.

At this Soonyoung frowned.

"Nah, I'm sure it's tigers. His bedsheet is Tigger after all"

Soonyoung smiled again.

Oh, this was going to be fun.

°3:06 pm°

"Hey Park" Scar came in their shared room with the female leader.

"Hmm?" ParkShe hummed, eyes not leaving her phone.

"Since tomorrow is my birthday, I was wondering if we could go to our hang out. We could just have a camp out there. It'll be good enough for me"

"Aww c'mon!~" Luna entered the room, it seemed she had heard the conversation. "Don't you want your birthday with BRIGHT lights, LOUD music, and A BIG PARTY?"

Scar sighed. "You're planning a surprise party for me huh?"

Luna's smile dropped. "Oops"

ParkShe facepalmed, her eyes now averting from her phone. "Great. Just great"

Scar sighed. "You guys, you do know I don't like parties in general right?"

"Yeah, but we just want you to......you know.......try" Luna said.

Scar frowned. "You know I'd appreciate it if it's only us"

ParkShe purses her lips. "We'll think about it, okay?"

"Fine" Scar said, leaving the room.

Luna glanced at the female leader who slowly stood up.

She grinned. "Is it just me or are we really good actors?"

ParkShe chuckled. "Definitely, now, let's get this operation:decoration started"

"I'll call Soonyoung Oppa" Luna volunteered, dashing out of the room.

ParkShe smiled, before realizing something and checking under her pillow.

She sighed in relief when the present was still there.

"This is gonna be fun"

°November 16, 2021°
°6:48 am°
°HYBE Teens Dorm/House°

Scar woke up in his tigger themed bed, the sunlight, which was the cause of his early rise, was shining through the open space between the orange curtains.

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