Chapter 9

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He watches from his seat on the cushioned window sill as the witch stands stalk still behind the woman, her eyes entirely black and a faint wisp of the same dark magic surrounding her.

The magic seems to build around her a force, a shield to protect her if anyone attacks on her in this state.

His apprehension is still high, brown eyes fluttering back to the green liquid in his cup before going back to the witch.

He has no idea why he had done that. Brought her coffee and opened up to her. If you even call that an opening up.

Zeus had thought about being friendly to the witch and the Alpha Anderson to get him some information on the diversity their pack had, and sure he planned to do it some time after this whole mess blows off.

The presence of the potion was almost unconscious, after all its been over a decade since he had gotten his half side from his mother blocked off, and had started to use this potion to put up a barricade between himself and his wolf side. He wished to get it blocked away too, but can't do that because who will accept him to rule the werewolves when he himself wasn't one.

And this kingdom, the palace and the role of the king is the only thing holding him to the life he had as a kid. This is the only thing he has acquired from his father.

But for the first time in the very long time, he is doubting his decision.

The words of the witch resonate within his mind as he keeps his eyes on her.

Her head and her body seem unnaturally still. Like a mannequin standing there instead of a woman of power. The wisps around her move calmly, but her eyes behind the eyelid was moving. Probably the only thing indicating her life because even her breathing has slowed.

Zeus listens closely, surprised that even her heartbeat was slow and silent.

He shakes his head, getting up as his attention goes back to his potion.

He cannot deny that he misses having his wolf's presence at the back of his head always telling him the minute points he otherwise missed. His wolf caught on things faster, his nature helping Zeus understand the wolves around him better. Not to mention that with his wolf, he felt more connected to his people.

And his daemon.

When the two parts of his lineage were not snapping at the other for dominance over him, it was the time he had been the most comfortable with himself. But after the whole incident, the two parts seem to never get along.

The king was guilty of blaming his daemon side the most.

With his kidnapping and torture at being a hybrid, his mother disappearing and then his mate's death, everything was falling apart for him. Then his father fell through too, and with the whole population of werewolves looking up to him, he tried his best back then to be the heir everyone wanted him to be.

Sighing heavily, he left the potion on the sill, unsure and hesitant about his decision.

Was he willing to let his wolf through the wall he had created years ago, knowing very well how his loss of mate would be a constant source of pain for both of them even now?

Zeus feels a prick in his head, a knock if you say on the mental door of his mind-link.

Zeus, are you okay?

Looking at Paige, he thinks for a moment before nodding his head at her. She looks over him with concern in her years before looking back at his mug sitting on the window sill. A slight smile lifts his lips as he understands her silent question.

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