"So... you left her to be alone?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"Fucking idiot." She said hitting me in the back of the head.

"Hey! I was stressed and she was making me do the same problem over and over again." I said as we walked down aisles.

"That means you ask for help! You don't leave her in the library alone!" She said getting stuff for her project.

"I like to see you try." I said rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me." She said and I laughed.

We got to the counter and a couple next to us were waiting in line. And who do I see? Peyton and her stupid boyfriend.

Why does this happen... I keep running into her I'm places I didn't even know we could.

I turned my head so they wouldn't realize me but when Eva spoke my name I heard Jackson's voice.

"Cmon babe let's go to another line." I heard and I rolled my eyes.

"No its fine." I heard Peyton say.

"No Cmon. We're leaving."

"No were not. If you want to leave than you can leave but I'm staying." Peyton said bringing a small smile to my face.

"Anna! Let's go!" I heard Eva say as I left with her.

I looked back to see Jackson eyeing me down.

Peyton turned his face so he wouldn't look at me anymore. I looked at Peyton who was looking at me.

I left the store but Eva dropped her bags which caused us to stop and pick it all up.

There was an item on the floor I nearly was gonna get when someone kicked it.

"Jackson!" I heard seeing Peyton and Jackson.

Peyton picked it up and gave it to me before hitting Jackson.

"Go to the car I'll deal with you later." Peyton said as she helped us.

"I'm sorry for him. He's in a mood." She said.

"Anyways... I'll see you later." She said giving us our stuff before leaving.

"Annaaa... stop staring and let's go." Eva said pulling my hand.

"So she's nice..." Eva said getting in the car.

I rolled my eyes and she started to back out.

Peyton's Pov
"WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" I yelled at him.

"She's tortuous! I don't want you near her!" He said in frustration.

"She's Anna! What is she gonna do?! Kill me?" I said backing out.

"She could!" He yelled and I looked at him.

"You... are literally so stupid. She's not going to kill me!" I said has he slumped in the seat.

"I'm going home and I'm gonna sleep.
You my friend are going home and leaving me alone. Not controlling me."

"I am not controlling you! I just don't want you around her."

"And I don't care. She's not gonna hurt me and she literally did nothing to you. It's my choice. Now you need to go to sleep."

We sat in silence the whole way until I got to his house.

"I love you..." he whispered before giving me a kiss on the cheek and getting out.

I sat there in silence giving him the silent treatment. I heard him let out sigh before closing the door. I watched him get into his house and than left.

"God why can't he just accept Anna at this point." I mumbled.

I got out of the car and went inside to see Paxton.

"Oh hey how was the trip with Jackson?" She asked sitting on the couch.

"Meh... we ran into Anna and he got mad." I said sitting next to her.

I put my head on her shoulder has she put her arm around me.

"Well let's just watch a movie." She said as she turned on the tv.

I got a blanket for us and I think we both fell asleep.

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