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jongho works for yeosangs parents but once they meet maybe they develop feelings for each other. :)))

"hi jongho." mrs kang,yeosangs mom, said to jongho as he was awake going to cook.

"hello ma'am! hope you slept well." jongho smiled and bowed to her.

"thank you. i wanted to inform you about our son coming over from college if that's fine." she said and smiled.

"you have a son? that's so cool ma'am! and i am fine with him coming. he is ur son after all."

"yeah but i don't want you too be uncomfortable because he's a bit of a flirt."

"hehe sure. it's fine i promise."

"if u say so. he's on the way so if u hear a knock then just let him in."

"alrighty would you like breakfast ma'am?"

"no thank you i have to be too work early but allow yourself to make ur own food and use this day as a break since my son is quite a handful."

"are you sure ma'am? must i clean the guest room for your son?"

"no no! your fine. i promise. i got my husband to clean it last night since you were sleeping and i didn't wanna disturb you."

"oh okay. must you go then ma'am? don't wanna be late?"

"right! thank you! by the way i'll be home late since i have to pick up someone from the airport."

"alright. stay safe ma'am."

mrs. kang smiled and went out the door now jongho alone.

Sighing in boredom he didn't want to disobey mrs. kangs rules by cleaning but he felt bored by not doing anything.

So he decided to scroll through his phone until their son came.

which wasn't exactly long.

about 30 minutes later he heard a knock at the door.

jongho quickly shot up before going to get the door.

"hi sir!" jongho said and let him in.

"hello are my parents here?" he asked looking around but pouted when jongho said no.

"well okay.well why are u here?"

"oh. sorry sir. My name is jongho and i work here!"

"oh. ur kinda cute. my names yeosang."

Yeosang winked at jongho who turned away and blushed.

"hehet i'm joking. not really but pretend i am."

Jongho sighed before walking back to the couch with yeosang dropping his bags and following him.

"hey what do you do here?"

"clean i guess."

"oh. nice."

They decided to talk to each other obviously yeosang flirting with jongho.

After a few hours his parents were still out which they decided to watch a movie.




"gimme a second."

Jongho finished washing his hands and drying them before coming to yeosang who pulled him on his lap.

"let's watch a movie darling."

"erm. okay sir."

"stop calling me that you already know my name?"

jongsang oneshots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें