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-Mel pov-

So after leaving that bathroom and sliding down into a empty classroom as if on cue a teacher walked in

"Can I help you?" She looked over at me

"Oh sorry I need help with my schedule I got mixed up and wanted to wait for help" I 'told' her I mean I knew the schedule so I didn't need the help just wanted to look less suspicious

"Oh of course" she explained to me where to go and I thanked her


School out so I'm going to volleyball practice they already knew about me and asked me to join since they seen how great I played when we were in gym. They kept asking me why I wasn't on the team I only said I wasn't asked to be on it and I didn't know we had one so the captain herself asked me if I wanted to join I said yeah since hey it's fuckin volleyball

"Hi welcome to the team" the captain came up to me and gave me a gentle handshake

"Come meet the team" she introduced me to everyone and I was shocked because you guessed it Camren was on the team we stared at each other I didn't say anything just told her I wanna talk to her after practice she replied with "mhm" and then went to got stretch and practice spikes


They want us to play a practice match to see skills I got in a open position I went to be in the middle behind the girl in the front to be the libero/middle blocker

The little raven haired girl  hit the ball and everyone started calling mine since it was going by them we were hitting it back and forth then it came to me and I hit that with so much force the girl on the other side tried to hit it back over but all that got her team was an out everyone looked at me and cheered

"Let Melli serve" they gave me the ball I threw it up in the air stepped back a bit and hit it over hard some brunette girl hit it back over to me so I hit it back to her this went on for about five minutes until she touched it and it landed on her side

"Okay get it Mel" they started doing handshakes and giving me pats on the back some girl on my team was serving she had good posture and just grace she was so graceful with her hits that when the girl accidentally touched it and fell on the ground we all cheered and we all said good game and made ourselves back to the locker room to get dressed after I got out their showers I got dressed

"You did really good" I patted the raven haired girl on the back she said 'thanks' and when everyone went out of the locker room she pulled me to the side

"Hey Thanks for saying I did good it meant a lot since the team wants to kick me off since they say I can't play well" I looked at her sadly

"Don't listen to them what I seen today you did great you kicked ass" she smiled at me

"Thank you nobody's ever said that to me"

"How about I help you practice and then when we play a match you show them that you're much better" she smiled at me and said she'd like that "oh by the way my name is Briana" she shook my hand then left me I heard somebody crying in the showers

I made my way back there and seen Camren standing there I seen bruises and marks on her back "Camren?" She looked back and hurriedly grabbed a towel to cover her body "g-get out" she tried to sound confident but I heard all the shaking in her voice

"It's okay" I held my hand out to her she grabbed it and I pulled her into a hug I said things to her while she cried

"Don't tell anyone" she looked up at me and we stood there talking

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