04 {end}

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The next few weeks flew by, and the more time Jimin and Jungkook spent together, the closer they got.

"Are we going to school today?" Jungkook asked sliding into a white t-shirt and baggy blue jeans. Jungkook always insisted on spending more time with Jimin so they skipped school a few times... whether a few meant two.. or twelve... it didn't matter to either of them.

"I got a call yesterday about my attendance and how if i skip a few more days without an excuse i get charged with truancy and i can go to jail or something for it." Jimin said nonchalantly as he brushed his hair back.

"I can make it seem like you have perfect attendance still." Jungkook said. Jimin knew Jungkook could manipulate the way things work, but he absolutely hated it and insisted Jungkook never use it around him or have it effect his life at all, and Jungkook always agreed but still offered.

"You know how i feel about that."

"Yeah, i do. It's always worth a shot though." Jimin giggled and lightly sprayed hairspray over his head. Jungkook walked into the bathroom with Jimin, and finger combed his hair.

"So, where are we going?" Jungkook asked as he back-hugged Jimin while the older male perfected his look.

"First, i need coffee."

Jungkook and Jimin make it to Starbucks and as Jimin is ordering for both of them, the bell at the door chimes and Taehyung, Yoongi, Namjoon, and Jin walk in, filing in one after the other. They looked directly at Jungkook who was now glaring at the four of them. Jimin walks back to Jungkook and feels the tension and before he could question anything Jungkook was taking of his jacket and handing it to the older.

"Jungkook what the hell? Why do you guys look like you wanna kill each other?" Jimin asks looking up at Jungkook with serious concern.

"Listen Jimin, Yoongi and i have been rivals since birth. He's the one that got my mother killed." Jungkook snarled in the mint haired boys direction before continuing, "We've been going at it for hundreds of years." Jungkook's eyes went dark and Jimin had never been more scared in his life. Jimin started looking between the two, Yoongi's eyes were black and his skin started changing colors from very pale, to a dark and deep red. They both started getting immensely tall. The other boys started getting fearful and fled the scene. Everyone around the three of them seemed to disappear and wind started picking up. Jungkook started growing massive horns growing out of the sides of his temples and Jimin still stood in shock.

"Stay back Jimin." Jungkook said as he lunged at his enemy. Jimin watched as blood, sweat, and tears went everywhere. He had completely forgot Jungkook was superhuman until today, but did it change the way he thought about Jungkook? Absolutely not. Jimin loved Jungkook, maybe a little too much. He got attached easily, and that was his biggest weakness because once the two were done fighting, Jungkook shrunk to normal size, wind stopped swirling around them, and they all sat there. Yoongi stood up, grinning. Jungkook slumped into the floor in defeat.

"J-Jimin... I-I..." Jungkook stuttered. Jimin watched as pools of blood surrounded him.

"Jungkook please-" Jimin was interrupted by the tears he was choking out. Jungkook put his hand up to the elders face, wiping the tears to the best of his abilities.

"Jimin... You're the only human i've genuinely cared about... I wish things could've been a little bit different... I-I..." Jungkook's hand drifted off of Jimin's face as his eyes started to close.


"I love you." Jungkook muttered out as Jimin started crying uncontrollably. He looked around, a crowd of people were forming as Yoongi pulled his hood up and started walking away. Police and ambulance sirens could be heard in the distance.

"I love you too... my demon."


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