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"You're a what." Jimin said, demanding. He thought he was hearing things but the man walked closer and smiled.

"I'm a demon.. you summoned me. I have to follow you around until my duties are fulfilled or my boss calls me back down to you know where." The man said. Jimin blushed when the man grabbed his jaw softly examining his face.

"Excuse you." Jimin said shooing away the ladders hand.

"What's your name? Something with a J i presume..."

"Park Jimin."

"Jeon Jungkook. Nice to meet you, mortal." Jungkook said, holding his hand out for a shake, but all he got was a shrug. Jimin sat down in his chair and wrapped his hand around his jaw, trying to grasp what the fuck is going on.

Eventually he looked up and stated, "Are you supposed to follow me around or something then? I don't get it. Just go back. I don't want you here."

Admittedly, Jungkook's heart sank. An emotion he's never felt before... "I cant really do that. You see, once you summon a demon they can't go back to hell until their duties are done in the over world, or Satan summons me back to hell." He said it like it sounded so normal, like asking what you want for dinner. Jimin felt oppositely.

Jimin's jaw seemingly dropped to the floor and his eyes widened. He started biting his nails, a habit that he had when he was younger. He only did it when his parents fought or when he was very anxious, but stopped abruptly and went to chewing gum instead, but now he didn't have any gum and he was in a high-stress situation.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook asked, sitting beside the black haired boy.

"Uhm... Yeah." Jimin said, collecting his thoughts. He was mostly worried with what he would do with Jungkook while he was in school. He thought that maybe because Jungkook is a demon he could hypnotize the minds of others to make them think he was there the whole time, or maybe to just... be invisible like a ghost while Jimin was in school.

"Can you... become invisible?"

"I can do anything." Jungkook said, and with a snap of his fingers he disappeared.

"W-Where's you go?!"

"Here!" Jungkook yelled playfully from the living area with us feet kicked up on the coffee table.

Jimin laughed genuinely while Jungkook admired the older's features. He'd never been attracted to men before... especially anyone like Jimin- shy, smart, and a little stuck up. Everyone he'd ever met told him that two people of the same sex should never have romantic or sexual feelings for each other, even his parents. But he couldn't help the blood rushing to his lower body as Jimin bent down to pick up his backpack and laptop.

"Listen, this is how going to school is gonna work. You're going with me, but it would be great if you could make yourself invisible while we're there and by no means turn yourself visible while we're on school grounds, got it?" He said, putting his bag beside the couch and sitting next to Jungkook.

"You sound like my mother whenever i would accompany her to this shitty place."

"What was your mother doing here?"

"Work. Taking souls and giving them to Satan. She's actually like his right hand man- or- woman."

"Oh that sounds... a little terrifying..."

"Her killing people or being close friends to Satan himself?" Jungkook gave a deep chuckle. while Jimin smiled awkwardly.

"It's actually a very stressful job she does- did..." Jungkook looked down, he seemed upset.

My Demon - Jikook FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now