SIX | children of the gods, part one

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                              𝐉𝐔𝐍𝐈𝐏𝐄𝐑 Condos was tired, anyone could see it. Whether it was from the lack of sleep or the resurfacing grief, it didn't matter. Coming up on the one year anniversary of the day her life became warped and twisted into a much less joyful version of what it once was, Juniper couldn't help the sinking feeling that made its usual appearance. Only this time, she decided to trust it. How much worse could her life get on the off chance it was right?

          And so, she found herself up on the homemade observation deck Jack put in after returning from Abydos. The deck was big enough for two chairs and a telescope with room to move around a bit. Jack was preoccupied with the stars above when she arrived, coffee mug in hand. This had become somewhat routine for them. Jack would stay up and watch the sky and Juniper would come up with coffee after harshly waking from nightmares, though they were better classified as memories.

          If they heard the car coming to park in front of the house, neither acknowledged it. Nor did they say anything to the two men who got out of it, walking up to the residence. They chose to continue about their usual activities until one of the men climbed up the ladder and onto the observation deck.

          "Colonel Jack O'Neill," came the man's questioning voice.

          Jack didn't skip a beat, nor did he even so much as turn to look at the man, when correcting, "Retired."

          Not phased in the slightest by the dismissive action, the man looked over at the sole female present. "Dr. Juniper Condos."

          "Not a doctor."

          "I'm Major Samuels," the man, Samuels, introduced himself. This made Juniper's shoulders tense. She wasn't a huge fan of the rank, not since it was forever to be associated with her deceased brother.

          "Air Force?"

          "Yes, sir, I'm the General's Executive Officer." Juniper swallowed the bile that snuck up her throat, relishing in the burn it caused. She didn't feel much except that pain nowadays, so it helped that she knew this was real, not another hallucination.

          "Want a little piece of advice," Jack offered, though he wasn't really giving Samuels much of a choice, "Major? Get re-assed to NASA. That's where all the action's gonna be. Out there."

          Throughout his unsolicited advice, the retired officer continued looking through the telescope at a galaxy formation. Juniper couldn't help the frown that took over her expression, remaining even as she sipped on her coffee.

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