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"Shhhhh! We are gonna get caught if you continue to make so much noise!" my best friend whispered aggressively beside me.  

"Well if you hadn't insisted on bringing a duffle bag, a gym bag, and your leather backpack, we would be able to move much quieter" I whispered back. She looked at me as if I had suddenly grown two heads.                                                                                                                                                       "Are you mad? I need all this stuff just in case anything happens while we are running away.  I brought extra clothes, in case we get wet or it rains, shampoo and towels, for you know, a swim in a lake for in case it's too hot, my daily skincare products to keep my skin nice and smo-"

"You brought all that!?" I facepalmed, " Xiomara, it's not like we are going on a nice little vacation by the beach, we are trying to run away from home to look for our parents!  Haven't you learned anything from training? You need to pack lightly so you can move and run faster."                                                                                            

She tightly hugged her bags and put on a pouty face, "You think I'm going to leave without my babies Suri?! I could never!"

"Come on drama queen, you are walking too slow," I sighed and went back to scanning the trees and bushes for any signs of danger. The moon cast silver patches on the ground as it shone through the lattice of leaves, the barely visible black trails snaking through the undergrowth. Through the tree breaks, I could see the shining stars and the ink-blue sky, the tall shadowed pines stretching up like arrows into the sky.

"I don't know about you but my tummy is telling me it's time to eat soon", at that exact moment, her stomach growled, making me giggle.

"Don't you ever stop thinking about food?"

"Unless I meet my mate then, nope!" She flashed a quick smile until we heard the rustle of leaves and the faint smell of mint and lime. Xiomara's smile disappeared and was soon replaced by a frown as her soft hazel eyes held worry and fear as she turned to look at me, waiting for me to say something. "They haven't smelled or seen us yet, otherwise they would have said somethin-".

"STOP AND DO NOT MOVE!" a voice boomed.

Yep. They've seen us. Curse me for saying anything.

I did all I could at that moment. I yelled 'RUN', which wasn't the smartest option because we were trying to sneak out, and then forgetting Xiomara, I took off running, which also wasn't the best decision since she had 3 bags to carry.

"Wait!" she called out while struggling to run and carry her bags at the same time. If it wasn't because we were being chased, I would've had laughed. She looked like a penguin and her facial expression was as if she had eaten a very sour lemon.

I quickly pivoted, ran back, snatched the gym bag, took hold of her hand, and began running through the dense evergreen forest. Our feet pounding against the soft earth beneath us. Our breaths became labored as we used our enhanced speed to try outrun our persecutors. They must have changed into their wolf forms because sudden snarls and growls filled the chilly night air. A thunderous howl ripped through the silence, sending chills down my spine and giving me goosebumps.

Suddenly, I was jolted backward, my arm nearly going out of its socket. I turned back to see Xiomara tugging on her duffle bag that had become snagged between some branches.

"Come on Xio, they are closing in! We need to leave!" I hurriedly said, while looking up to see a pack of wolves running at full speed towards us, weaving in and out through the trees.

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