Chapter 28

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This silent street. The streetlights. The quiet environment and Y/N snoring in the background. I felt a sense of relief. Her being with me seems like the missing piece of the puzzle just clicked in making a beautiful picture. Occasionally staring at her from my rear mirror,  I recognized the cloth she was wearing. The same cloth that the beggar wore. If she was the beggar, it will make sense why the beggar wouldn't look up at me or Chifuyu. We soon reached my house.

I got out of the car and carefully brought her out in my arms. The feeling of her skin against mine, the weight of hers in my hand, it didn't feel foreign after all these years of us living apart but she seem lighter. I slowly walked from my house to my bedroom and laid her on the bed when she pulled on my neck almost making me fall on her body. 'Keisuke is that you? She muttered through her crusty black lips. Looks like she has been smoking a lot. Her eyes were still closed as I stared at her. Despite her being passed out, she still recognized me, like always. Her warm breath with a lingering scent of alcohol caresses my lips, her eyelid half-open with those blue crystals shining from the dim light of my lap. I put my hand on both sides of her body to balance myself on top of her drunk torso. 'Are you Uzono's monkey bar?' a smile played on her dull lips. She still dwells on our memories. 'Are you the green-eyed Chifuyu?' 

Is she teasing me now?! Is she really drunk?!

She smirked with her eyes closed, pulling me into her arms.' Don't wake me up... I want to be like this.'  Her arms forced my face into her chest. 'Keisuke..' whimpers escaped her desperate lips when. A tear rolled down the side of her eyes with her lips curving up like the waves of the deep ocean. Out of animal instinct, I grabbed her pulling her in my arms when her body started to shake wildly. I tried to hold her tight but it wasn't working. Should I wake her up? Should I call her? Will this make it worse?

I panicked. She kept shaking but soon her body gave in and she relaxed in my arms. Anxiety Attack is how doctors describe it. 'What happened to you Asami? What did Kisaki do to you?' I whispered holding her like I was holding a baby. I couldn't sleep the whole night. My senses feasted on the mere sense of her presence, memorizing scent, her breath, how fragile her body felt under my grip, everything.

There we were. Under the most unexpected circumstances, lay together, holding each other as time goes on. I started to doze off in the morning even though I tried my best not to. I think I'm going to lose her again if I doze off now. My eyes felt heavier and without realizing it, I fell asleep.


Darkness, darkness, darkness. All there is was darkness. And there was I cooped up in the corner of that darkness but this time, the caging feels different. It feels warm and familiar and I had no trouble staying there. Then came the moment when I got aware of the weight on my body. Forcing myself to open my eyes, I realized I wasn't on the streets anymore like usual. I was in a room, immaculately gorgeous. My eyes roam around the room before I realized I was a little spoon. I looked down at the arm warmed around my waist and immediately noticed the tattoo 'Asami' written on it. 

Cold sweat broke on my forehead. I stopped breathing to sense his heartbeat. They were slow. This is my chance. I slowly slipped from his arm but he grabbed my arms pulling his head on my lap. 'Run your fingers through my hair.' His tone was stern so I obliged. I was panicking. Why is he acting like that? After I killed his mom, why is he being so weird? My dark nails run through his forever silky hair, feeling the warm scalp while his hand rested on my slender thigh. 

'I know you are married but let me have you for a little while.' He whispered under his breath. He didn't notice my bare ring finger. Low-key I wanted him to, but this is for the best. Slowly I relaxed under him and all the memories that I locked away in my heart surged. The messy life I had, the poverty I faced, got beaten up, had friends, found Keisuke, lost my unborn baby. I pushed him off my lap. He had the strength to stop me but he didn't. He kept staring. I slightly turned my head towards my shoulder. 'This is for the best Keisuke.' I sourly spat and walked out of his house. My driver was already waiting for me.

'Warehouse' I growled.

Baji's POV

As soon as I heard her entering the car, I ran out to get in my Jaguar and started following her. I just couldn't let her go. Not yet! 

Third Person POV

It was a beautiful day to run Mrs Baji's weekly errand. After leaving Keisuke on his own, she moved to the remote countryside, not far from Toman's residence. 

'How much is the onion?'

'2900 Yen, miss.'

'What! Only because we live near Toman residence doesn't we are rich too!'  Mrs Baji retorted. 'My son is coming to visit so I really need that onion, or else I would have choked you on those.' Finishing her errand she headed to the hut that her son bought her recently. It wasn't crazy, it was isolated and aesthetic except the warehouse that was dumped in the middle of nowhere making it hard for her to reach the hut. It's a long way across. it But her son will manage that too. To say the least, Mrs Baji takes pride in his son. She was about to walk past the warehouse when a sudden bang was heard from the outside. 

'I thought this place was abandoned.' She thought.

She walked towards the warehouse to check when she saw Isuzu beaten and bruised to the point that her eyes were sealed shut from all the swelling. She laid there unconscious as two armed guards chatted among them.

'What the fuck do you think you are doing you bastards!' Mrs Baji Yelled. The guards, with an unreadable expression, turned to see her shaking. 'You can't be here ma'am,' The guards spat. 'What are you doing with Isuzu. Let her go!'

'Why can't we kill her already. So annoying. She will go out telling everyone.' said one of the guards. 'We can't. She is the Toman's family', said the other. 

'So what?'

'It's bosses strict orders not to harm anyone related to Toman. Besides we are new here, it's okay for her to freak out. Since you are new here, you will get a hang of it' 

'Hey, I'm talking to YOU!' Mrs Baji threw an onion towards one of the guards as it hit the eyes of the annoyed one.

'Aaaaahhh, that's it you will die here bitch!' The guard fired his M16-A4 at the woman.


It was too late. Blood started oozing out of her body.

Y/N Asami Karukawa || Baji × Reader ♥ || Baji Fanfic √√Where stories live. Discover now