Chapter 9

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'Ma!' I yelled as I barged into the house with Y/N unconscious in my arms.

'Oh my God, my baby!' Mom quickly rushed towards me pointing me to go to the bedroom.'I will get some water and clothe.'

I take her to my room as I lay her down on the bed. The bleeding stopped but she was still unconscious.

'Baji, move.' Ma said as she quickly sat beside her cleaning the blood and swiped her face gently as she called her, trying to wake her up.
'Should we call the doctor?! What happened? I can't lose her again?!' She was mumbling out of panic.

'Ma, it's okay. She will wake up. Trust me.' I said as I held her hands. 'You need to go take your medicine and go to bed. She just fainted.'

'But, she..'

'Ma I'm here with her. If anything happens we will take her to the hospital.'

'Okay,' she closed her eyes as I could feel her calm down a little bit and walked out of the room. She glanced back for the last time before closing the door.

I held onto Y/N's hand. Her hands were cold. I started rubbing it went I saw a bracket. 'What is this?' I pulled the shirt up from her wrist to get a better view when I realised I know this bracelet. Where did she get this?

When Keisuke and Y/N were kids

'Asami-chan', Baji yelled as he ran to the 10-year-old Asami L/N, with an infinity bracelet dangling from his slender fingers.

'Baji-Kun, Why did you want to meet me this early,' Said the little Asami who was sitting on the bench in the elementary playground.

'Happy Birthday, Asami-chan. I made this bracelet for you. Ma helped me a little. She said to give you this in the morning since your name means morning beauty.'

'What does that has to do with my name Baji-Kun?' She said as she took the bracelet from Baji and tie it around her tiny wrist but it was big for her.

'You like it?' Baji asked looking at Asami's blue eyes shining with the soft glow of the morning sun.

'I love it!' She squealed before hugging Baji. 'But what does it mean?'

'It means our bond is forever, with the infinity symbol.'





Asami?' I whispered as I held onto her hand intertwining my fingers with hers. I couldn't believe it. What if she found it on the streets? But her eyes are like Asami's. How is this possible?


'Keisuke? Did you come to see your girlfriend?'


'Well, she is resting. She fainted all of a sudden.'

'Meow'. Keisuke leapt on my bed and snuggled under her chin, going to sleep comfortably.

If she is really Asami, then how come she didn't recognise me? She didn't even notice me for once? Why'd she fainted like this? All this question awaits her until those eyes open to look at mine.

Y/N Asami Karukawa || Baji × Reader ♥ || Baji Fanfic √√Where stories live. Discover now