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Itaqutora sat in a room that seemingly had no ceiling. The room was surrounded by columns that extended into nothingness above. He was an apostle of Valefar and took pride in what he had left, even if it was not much. He was a magic leader in the apostles and was able to lift stone that no man could do physically. This was a gift given to him by Valefar and he did not abuse his powers. This is why he was chosen to be an apostle. Skeletal remains laid in the walls that surrounded him. He smelt the bone marrow and stench of death but he was used to it now, although it still was an unfavorable smell to him. He still dreamed though, no matter how difficult his surroundings were, he still dreamed. Every time that he dreamed, Valefar would send a messenger to come record his dreams.

His room that was usually smelling of cinder and walled with coal began to deteriorate and Itaqutora was in a room that he was nearly unfamiliar with. He was back on Earth when he was in grade school. A woman as tall as the door that she entered in came in and with claws the size of a bear's she ripped the skin off behind his ears. It suddenly came to mind that this was a witch...

Back on the Earth, Prirmenha found that what the forerunner's called the freezing was in effect. Survival was the only thing on mind. Flel approached her and was now aged so much that he was barely recognizable. They met together to figure out what they could have done wrong in the Dark Realm. It was told between them that Galed was given a large amount of land in the dark realm and he was able to build a home there. It was told that Galed was able to create a home there. A portal to earth was created with the help of the Temptress Fawn and it has been kept a secret from Apollyon until now.

-Thanks for reading! Please let me know of any suggestions. I plan on writing a second part once this one is fully edited and published. 

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