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He broke down and prayed to the Higher Creator to give him strength. He regained his faith and stopped questioning his decision. He hugged Prirmenha as if it were their last hug. He touched the tree. At the moment that Flel placed his hand on the tree a bright robed man appeared and touched the tree as well. A flash of light happened. The Higher Creator appeared in the black void. Flel floated in the void and turned to look for Prirmenha but she was nowhere to be found. "This is the first time that I have interceded like this but it must be done to fully bar the Lower Creator's intentions." The Higher Creator said. "Where am I?" Flel asked. "You are on the Ecliptic Plane. This is a intermittent place created just for the use of the Clock. Here you can make another choice, but with it comes your greatest sacrifice." He said. "Prirmenha is also here, I am also talking to her. She will also make a decision and her path might join with yours, but it is up to her." He said as he hovered back and forth with his hands behind his back. "How? What?" said Flel confused. "You have reversed time but your body still remains on the planet Kvasir yet there is no life there and the planet is not terraformed yet. I had to pick you up so that you would remain alive, and that is what this place is for. Life is still thriving on the Earth and the Lower Creator has not placed his hand in the evolution of man." He said. Flel gasped in amazement and thought how crazy it was that it actually worked. "You have set a new path for mankind. You can choose to go to Earth and reside in a better world, or stay here with me and prepare for a potential upbringing by Valefar." "Valefar is gone" Flel said. "He is gone in physical form, but his soul was formed in the beginning. The physical form will come again. There is no stopping it." He said. Flel wondered what the choice was that Prirmenha made or if she had made one yet. "I want to be with Prirmenha on Earth" Flel told him. "If that is what you wish then that is what your path will be." He said.

"Face me" a voice appeared behind Flel. The Higher Creator did not move in surprise but stood watching. Flel turned around and saw the Lower Creator standing in a black robe that made him seem almost invisible in the black void surrounding them. He reached up with his silver gauntlet and a serpent appeared in his hand. The serpent transformed into a staff with a red gem on the tip of it. "I thought I would find you here" Valefar said as he paced around Flel, his face was contorted with fury. It was difficult to see, but a thin transparent like bubble formed around the Higher Creator that began to expand. It expanded out until Flel was inside of it. He could see it shimmer, like light was reflecting on it, but there was no light. The bubble then shrunk down to only envelop Flel and the Higher Creator was once again exposed. Flel pressed on the sides of the bubble but he could not escape and felt as if he were floating. Valefar shifted his interest towards the Creator. Valefar waved his staff and unleashed a wall of fire that hurled towards the Creator. The Creator stumbled backwards and became completely invisible. The wall of fire continued to go on forever it seemed into the black void. Valefar looked around and his eyes shifted in every direction. He seemed worried. The Creator materialized directly behind him and from his body came hundreds of shards of what looked like glass and went directly through Valefar. Valefar fell to the floor.

Flel looked amazed as Valefar's body morphed into a snake and slithered through the air in the opposite direction of the Creator. The snake morphed back into Valefar who appeared to still be in pain and a bit crippled from the Creator's attack. Valefar held up his staff and it looked like he was starting to charge it up for another attack. His eyes appeared to be rolling back into his head. His eyes did that earlier when he was getting ready as well. I wonder if his mind is clouded when using his powers. A large hole began to form in the black ground that could only slightly be seen. The Creator was pulled down into the hole by a force that could not be seen. He did not fight it. Valefar lowered his staff and walked over to the hole and looked down. Flel tried as hard as he could to take over Valefar's body. His finger began to feel like it was burning. He took his ring off and threw it down and it landed next to his feet on the bottom of the bubble. Shortly after that moment, the hole widened and engulfed the entire space with Flel and Valefar. Flel felt for a second like he was falling. His bubble was still intact but the Creator was nowhere to be seen. He must be alive. Valefar paced the area and looked over at Flel with a menacing smile. "This time I had plans to take my physical form quickly. It seems as though you were unprepared for this mortal" he said, "Where is your Creator now?". Valefar clawed at the bubble with his gauntlets. The bubble stayed intact. Flel felt different. He felt like his body was more alive than ever. Valefar continued to try and break the bubble. "Let me in Flel. I work in ways that you cannot understand. My plan overcomes this encounter as well as many others. You cannot stop me, you should join me. Truly, I tell you, it is too late. My hand has worked its way into your past." Valefar spoke in a voice that pierced his ears. "I am in you. We will trap Valefar so he no longer intercedes with my plan. We will use his own powers against him." a voice came from inside Flel's head, "Keep your faith strong". Flel felt like he was rising, he had the sense that he was getting higher. He looked down and saw Valefar getting further and further away. His body felt a strong resistance as he overcame the blackness that surrounded him. He gasped when he saw the white void around him and watched the black orb shrink smaller and smaller around where Valefar was. It closed up. Everything was silent. Flel felt a sense of peace but also fear.

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